23 апр. 2014 г.

Who by Fire

TURN 1×2

& Major Andre: In a way, the whole theater of war falls under my concern. ... I divine what the enemy plans to do before they do it. ... General Howe applies his military strategy on the field with the discipline and precision of a science, but what I do... is closer to an art.

& Major Hewlett: I think a coincidence.
    Major Rogers: “Coincidence”? I’ve seen all manner of strange things in this life, but never one of those.

& Major Rogers: To the enemies of our country, may they have cobweb breeches, a porcupine saddle, a hard-trotting horse, and an eternal journey.

& Major Rogers: I’m gonna keep you alive, Robeson, as the lowest form of life there is. Lower than a sodomite or a serpent’s belly... A spy. My spy...

& Major I know it’s detestable business, looking after a spy, but it is a task that you shall have to endure for the king. Aye?

& Captain Simcoe: So close to your home, and yet not able to set foot in it. Except it isn’t your town, is it? It belongs to our king. By rights. It’s the arrogance of the colonies that you forget this. That’s why I joined the Royal Army. To remind you... in Guiana, the Caribbean... and now New York. I’ve enjoyed reminding you all over the world.

On the IMDb

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