21 апр. 2014 г.


TURN 1×1

& Mary: Sure you want him to learn to walk so soon?.. Faster he learns to walk, the sooner he learns to march.

& Abraham: Sprout, let me give you a little piece of advice that my father here gave to me once... “Neither a lender nor a borrower be.”

& Father Woodhull: Legacy is everything. If you wish to preserve ours, then stay away from those who’ve already chosen to sully theirs. The Smiths, the Strongs, the Tallmadges...

& Abraham: Ben, who is the enemy?

& Major Hewlett: I view your crime as a mere symptom of a more serious disease that is afflicting these colonies... Anarchy.
    Abraham: You mean self-rule.
    Major Hewlett: I mean chaos masquerading as freedom. An excuse for criminal activity and every man for himself.

& Abraham: So, we all must pay a tax. The question is just who will collect?

& Abraham: I, Abraham Woodhull... do sincerely and faithfully promise and swear that I will bear true allegiance to His Majesty, King George III. And that, with heart and hands, life and goods... will maintain and defend His Majesty’s government... and the laws of the province of New York... against all traitorous conspiracies... and attempts... shall be made against his person... crown or dignity. And I will do my utmost endeavor... and make known to His Majesty and his successors... all treasons and traitorous conspiracies which I shall know to be against, or any of them. God save the King!
On the IMDb

Σ Pretty good.

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