30 апр. 2014 г.


& Ian: I want to report... my murder.

& Ian: The only thing that came easy for me as a “Super” was my name.

& Ian: There she was. Amongst all this violence, I found a little piece of Heaven. Power. Beauty. And one hell of a back kick .

& Ian: So how come I’ve never seen people with real powers before?
    Dawn: The few of us with powers don’t want to be “Supers.” because “Supers” usually means “freaks.”
    Cain: And if we keep our powers secret, we can go where the real action is.

& Matanza: What does it take to kill you, Mr. Sparks? Knives, or... Guns? No. Gravity... apparently not.
    Ian: Not a damn thing.

On the IMDb

Σ Something wrongstrange with the movie. Overplaying? Underplaying? Something is just not right. Or may be I don’t get it.

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