8 апр. 2017 г.

Private View

Inside No. 9 3×6

& Neil: I’m a... I’m a chaperone. I don’t know good art from a good fart, me!

& Carrie: Is there, like, a set amount of time you’re meant to look at each thing before you move on?

& Carrie: ... And do you know all this cos you teach art in a collage?
    Maurice: No. No, no. I teach art in a college, but one of the disciplines in art is collage — the assemblage of disparate elements which together create a new whole.

& Elliot Quinn: ...big important questions — «Who are we?», «How did we come to be here?»,
and, «If all the world’s a stage, then where does the audience sit?»

& Kenneth: No, I’m not that Kenneth Williams. I’m not famous. I’m Mr Dull Boring Ordinary Health-and-Safety Nobody.

& Patricia: How did she die?
    Jean: Well, I’m not Murder She Wrote, but I would say she’s been strangulated, wouldn’t you?

& Patricia: I once tried to write a murder mystery, but it’s much harder than it seems. It’s so easy to get oneself knee-deep in cliches. The trouble with the genre nowadays — too much murder, not enough mystery.

& Patricia: ...And then, of course, they all split up, which is something you would never do in that situation, and, before you know it, there’s another one gone. Are you still there, darling? I’ve not bored you to death, have I?

On the IMDb

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