27 окт. 2015 г.

Dead Man Walking

The Last Man on Earth 2×3

& Carol: No. Oh, no. My favorite red and white horse shirt. I got to go get cleaned up.

& Gail: Nobody knew Gordon the way I knew him. He was a friend, a companion, trusted advisor and a valued lover... Sure, he could be a real son of a bitch. He was so cranky in the mornings, and he cussed like a sailor. And he was a bad drunk, he was a-a mean drunk. Racially insensitive, male chauvinist pig. And there was... there was the body odor, which was challenging for me, but now I look back, and, you know, when somebody dies, all that stuff just melts away, and you’re just left with the good memories... so, to Gordon... Easy come, easy go.

& Carol: .....And then Tandy slipped. He rocketed out into the abyss. This is where the death stuff really kicks in. So viewer discretion is advised.

& Carol: Hey, Phil! Before you ask, everything’s fine. Don’t worry. Going great. Bee’s knees. Got in a little over my head. Nothing major. Just a minor tailspin.
    Phil: W-w-wait Carol? What’s going on?

& Carol: In hindsight, «boo» was not a great icebreaker. Maybe «hello» would have been a little less... death-causing.

& Phil: .... Now, if anyone has anything they want to say, you raise your hands if you do. Very... slowly. Yeah, Carol?
    Carol: They were about to give you a second chance, you dumb donkey.

On the IMDb

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