13 окт. 2015 г.

Dark Places

& Libby: Lyle Wirth looked like a serial killer. Which probably meant he wasn’t one.

& Lyle: You never leave a message for someone you really want to reach.

& Libby: I’ve labeled these memories as if they were a particularly dangerous region. Dark places.

& Libby: I don’t know, seems like California is always burning.

& Lyle: I was the kid who set that fire.
    Libby: Then shouldn’t you have become a firefighter or something, overcome your trauma that way?

& Libby: I’m so angry at you. But you’re still my brother. You’re still my blood.

& Libby: My mom told us to make a useful life. Nothing big. Nothing grand.

& Libby: Finally, a start.

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