14 окт. 2015 г.

Atlas Shrugged: Part III

Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike

& John Galt: I’ll stop the motor of the world.
    — Who is that guy?

& Midas Mulligan: I made my fortune lending people money to buy houses and build businesses, and I only loaned to those people I was confident could repay me. They called me heartless, which I could live with. But when they forced me to give loans to people who could never pay me back, I got the hell out.

& Dr. Stadler: When the politicians started making medical decisions for me, I decided I couldn’t be a party to it anymore. Here in this valley, I treat my patients using my professional judgment, not some political directive.

& John Galt: No man belongs to another, Dagny. But there are those in power who would have you think otherwise. We honor charity and benevolence, but it must be provided on the giver’s terms... Voluntarily, and not by force. The powerful try to make us feel guilty for our success. And we are guilty... guilty for sacrificing ourselves... and for working under their terms.

& John Galt: You’re penniless... Your money has no value here.
    Dagny: What do you mean?
    John Galt: Well, here in the Gulch, we deal in gold.

& John Galt: I swear by my life and my love of it... that I will never live for the sake of another man... nor ask another man to live for mine.

& Dr. Hugh Akston: Dagny, all of your life, you’ve heard people saying... that we have to help the less fortunate, that the measure of virtue is... Is not what you achieve, but what you do for others. You... You’ve heard them say... that people have a right to a living just because they’re human. And that’s not the right to earn a living, that is a right to a living, which you are required to provide for them. Now, do you see any common themes here? Need of others paramount, your needs secondary? Their philosophy is based on how much you sacrifice to other people, not on what you achieve. That philosophy can’t work. Unless you continue to work and work and work and work... and try to overcome all the obstacles which they have created for you. And no matter how much they take from you, they still count on your work ethic, your integrity, your desire to keep producing.
    Dagny: But I... I love what I do.
    Dr. Hugh Akston: No, I know. Yeah, so did John. But he refused to accept their ideas. He refused to put his ability... his motor... At their disposal. As long as you continue to accept it, they will continue to exploit your extraordinary abilities.

& John Galt: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Thompson will not speak to you tonight. His time is up.

& John Galt: For years, you’ve asked, «Who is John Galt?» You’ve asked that question in despair and resignation... as factories closed, goods became scarce, jobs disappeared. Your lives are becoming more difficult... as the life force of your world is draining away. You have asked that question without expecting an answer. I’m here to answer it. This is John Galt speaking...
    Have you noticed that as everything around you seems to decline, one thing still grows? It is the power of your rulers. None of their plans and directives... have solved your problems or made your life better. The only result has been their increased control over you... at the cost of your freedom. Do you know why?
    You gave them the power. They called for your sacrifice, and you thought it was noble. They said if you worked for yourself and your family, that you were selfish and uncaring. And they made you feel ashamed. They denounced the leaders of industry as greedy exploiters... And again, you agreed. And then you ask, «Why did they and others like them disappear?» I took them from you. Their achievements flowed from their creative minds. Once they understood that the attempt to control their work... was an attempt to control their minds, they left.
    The people on strike worked for themselves, for their own vision of what was possible. When they recognized the honor they deserved, they rebelled against the guilt you wanted them to feel for their success. You counted on them to keep producing, to keep thinking... Even as you denounced them as selfish. I showed them they were being punished for their own virtues, and I showed them how evil that is. I made it my mission to help these heroes say no.
    All evil needs to win... is the consent of good people.
    They have joined me to freely produce, trade, cooperate and compete in a place... where the rights of all are protected. Do not try to find us. Do not try to bargain for our return. Get out of our way. To everyone within the range of my voice, you now have a choice to make. If you decide to support the notion of sacrifice enforced by the State, your game is up. Your world is in a downward spiral, and you will ride it down to destruction. But if you share the values of our strike, if you believe that your life is a sacred possession... for you to make the most of, if you want to live by the judgment of your own mind, not edicts from the State, then follow our lead.
    Do not support your own oppressors. Stop letting the system exploit you. Form your own communities on the frontiers of your crumbling world. Your rulers hold you by your endurance... to carry the burdens they impose, by your generosity when you hear cries of despair, and above all, by your innocence, which cannot grasp the depths of their evil.
    The world you are living in is the world they wanted. Leave them to it. Those who have left you are eager to build a better world, a world of freedom and opportunity, a world based on mutual respect. In that world, you will rise in the morning... with the spirit you knew in childhood... The spirit of eagerness and adventure... and the confidence that the world is what it is... and is there for you to discover. In that world, you will not receive alms, nor pity, nor forgiveness of sins, but honor, respect and justice.
    Don’t let the fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in confusion and despair. Be sure of your path. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.

& John Galt: In the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice your sense of life to an enemy... that would claim your precious mind. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration... for the life you deserve, but have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours.
    This is John Galt speaking.

On the IMDb

+ Origins

Σ ONLY for fans of Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged.

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