20 окт. 2015 г.


Transparent 1×4

& Ali: Oh, my God, does mom know?

& Ali: Daddy, oh, my God! What am I supposed to call you now?

& Davina: Listen, can we just close up shop here a little bit? The knees... your male privilege is leaking all over the place.

& Sarah: Outing a trans person, it’s like an act of violence. It’s like stripping someone naked in the middle of the cafeteria and making them go eat by themselves. Google it.

& Mom: Sir, can you hear me? Because this is the ladies’ restroom, and clearly that is a man.
    Sarah: This is my father, and he’s a woman. And he has every right to be in this bathroom.

& Maura: Turn the noise down! Turn it the fuck down, you motherfuckers! There are other people in the fucking world! Turn it down, you faggots!

On the IMDb

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