The Bat Jar Conjecture
Season 1, Episode 13
* Howard: Ooh, more details about the new Star Trek film. There's going to be a scene depicting Spock's birth.
Raj: I'd be more interested in a scene depicting Spock's conception.
* Raj: How come on Star Trek everybody's private parts are the same? No alien lady ever told Captain Kirk, "Hey, get your thing out of my nose."
* Penny: Hi. Can you help me? I was writing an e-mail and the A key got stuck. Now it's just going, "aaaaaaaaa."
Leonard: What'd you spill on it?
Penny: Nothing. Diet Coke. And yogurt. And a little nail polish.
Leonard: I'll take a look at it.
* Sheldon: Count me out.
All together: What? Why?
Sheldon: You want me to use my intelligence in a tawdry competition? Would you ask Picasso to play Pictionary? Would you ask Noah Webster to play Boggle? Would you ask Jacques Cousteau to play Go Fish?
* Raj: We need a truly kick-ass team name. Suggestions?
Howard: How about the Perpetual Motion Squad? It's beyond the laws of physics, plus a little heads up for the ladies.
Raj: The ladies?
Howard: Perpetual Motion Squad... we can go all night.
* Leonard: Let's put it to a vote.
Sheldon: All those in favor...
Leonard: Point of order.
Sheldon: I move that any vote on team names be unanimous. No man should be forced to emblazon his chest with a Bengal tiger... when common sense dictates it should be an army ant.
Leonard: Will the gentleman from the great state of denial yield for a question?
Sheldon: I will yield.
Leonard: After we go through the exercise... of an annoying series of votes, which the gentleman will lose... does he intend to quit if he does not get his way?
Sheldon: He does.
Leonard: We are the Army Ants. All those in favor?
* Penny: Howard?
Sheldon: The answer is giant magnetoresistance.
Penny: Right.
Howard: Hey, I buzzed in.
Sheldon: And I answered. It's called teamwork.
Howard: Don't you think I should answer engineering questions? I am an engineer.
Sheldon: By that logic, I should answer anthropology questions because I'm a mammal.
* Howard: Gentlemen, I believe I've found the solution to all our problems.
Leonard: We can't ask Leslie Winkle.
Howard: Why? Because you slept together... and when she was done with you, she discarded you like last night's chutney?
* Leonard: Hey, Leslie.
Leslie: Hi, guys.
Leonard: Ahem. So, Leslie, I have a question for you... and it might be a little awkward, you know, given that I...
Leslie: Hit that thing. There's no reason to feel uncomfortable because we've seen each other's faces and naked bodies contorted in the sweet agony of coitus.
Leonard: There's not? Gee, because it sure sounds like there should be.
Leslie: Any aspects of our sexual relationship, regarding your preferences your idiosyncrasies, your performance, are protected by the inherent confidentiality of the bedroom.
* Howard: Here's your T-shirt.
Leslie: PMS? It's a couple days early.
Howard: No. It stands for Perpetual Motion Squad.
Leslie: Oh, right, of course. What was I thinking?
* Dr. Eric Gablehauser: AA, I need your answer.
Janitor: The answer is minus eight pi alpha.
Sheldon: Hang on a second. That's not our answer. What are you doing?
Janitor: Answering question. Winning Physics Bowl.
Sheldon: How do you know anything about physics?
Janitor-Professor: Here, I am janitor. In former Soviet Union, I am physicist. Leningrad Politechnika. Go, Polar Bears.
Sheldon: That's a delightful little story. Our arrangement was you sit and not say anything.
Professor-Janitor: I answer the questions.
Sheldon: You didn't answer question. Hey, look. Now, maybe you have democracy now in your beloved Russia but on this Physics Bowl team, I rule with an iron fist.
--- Словарик:
conception — (физиол.) зачатие, оплодотворение
tawdry — кричащий, безвкусный; расфуфыренный; помпезный, цветистый (о стиле, стихотворении и т. п.)
to emblazon — украшать гербом; расписывать гербами, геральдическими фигурами, девизами; делать надпись
yield — (уст.) дать согласие, разрешение
chutney — чатни (индийская кисло-сладкая фруктово-овощная приправа к мясу)
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