20 июн. 2017 г.

Twin Peaks. The Return. Part 3

Twin Peaks 3×3

& Dougie: That’s weird.

& Agent Cooper: Jade give two rides.

& Drugged-out Mother: One-one-nine! One-one-nine! One-one-nine! One-one-nine!

& Andy: We laid everything out, Hawk, and we can’t find anything that’s missing.
    Hawk: If it’s not here, then... how do you know it’s missing? ......
    Lucy: But if it is here... then it isn’t missing?

& Hawk: No. It’s not about the bunny. You ate the evidence, Lucy?

& Lucy: I had read... that sometimes chocolate, which I love, can be used as a remedy, maybe by indigenous people. Is that true, Hawk? Do you use chocolate as a remedy for gas?

& Hawk: It’s not about the bunny. Is it about the bunny?... No. It’s not about the bunny.

& — Director Cole? On your phone, it’s Cooper.

& Albert: The absurd mystery of the strange forces of existence... How about a truckload full of Valium?

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