24 июн. 2017 г.

The Last Fight

Grimm 4×3

"Stars, hide your fires;
let not light see
my black and deep desires."

Shakespeare, «Macbeth»

& Juliette: I just wish things were back to...
    Nick: What? Normal? I don’t even know what that is anymore. Being a Grimm? Not being a Grimm? Not being a Grimm and knowing?

& Monroe: There are a lot of bad wesen. Very few good Grimms.

& Bud: Look, it’s about the wedding and that girl. She’s a Grimm, and you know, there’s a lot of talk around. Everybody’s kind of on edge, not knowing, is she good? Is she bad? Are we in danger?

& Bud: I got to get home and not tell anybody.

& Elizabeth: To beat a hexenbiest like Adalind, you need a hexenbiest like me.

& Trubel: Grimm here.

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