19 июн. 2017 г.

Behind the Eyes

Prison Break: Sequel 1×9 (PB 5×9)

& Jacob: Look, you want to screw something up? Put a thousand people on it. You want to get it done right? Put it in the hands of a few.

& Michael: This is not over. Not by a long shot.

& Whip: You got to give me some direction here, you know? Some, um... fatherly advice on how to deal with having a father that’s, um... you.

& T-Bag: Give it to me straight... How you really feel about me?

& T-Bag: I’m tracking where you’re going... Only way we’re gonna get that beautiful, mundane life you’re talking... Any of us... Is if I take his.

& Michael: No one is getting caught. There’s a very specific order to this.

& Andrew: It’s a quote from Napoleon... «Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.»

& Lincoln: No debts with blood money.

& T-Bag: I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me, okay? You got to see it like the yogis, okay? Destroying the negative to create the positive. The dance of the Shivas and all that. Murder the dark, so the... The light can be born.
Whip: You’re out of your damn tree, aren’t you?

& Jacob: Genius, really. But no one will ever go for it.
    Michael: The truth is whatever you tell people it is. You taught me that.

& Michael: There is one thing you can do for me...

On the IMDb

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