26 мар. 2023 г.


The Dropout 1×2

Ian Gibbons: Did you know that chemotherapy was discovered when two sadistic pharmacologists decided to inject mice with mustard gas?

Elizabeth Holmes: What would you attempt to do... if you knew you could not fail?

Elizabeth Holmes: Um, everyone, could you gather briefly? Quickly. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
Rakesh Dewan: I'd wrestle an alligator.

Elizabeth Holmes: I've already raised six million dollars from my parents, and my family, and...
Channing Robertson: Look, I'm sorry, but...
Elizabeth Holmes: ...everybody that I know.

Elizabeth Holmes: Is that your new sword?
Sunny Balwani: Katana. Look at it. It's fucking ancient. Ask Larry Ellison about katanas, he loves Japan.

Sunny Balwani: How are you on the numbers?
Elizabeth Holmes: Uh, most blood tests are priced too high. We offer a low-cost alternative with the possibility to scale up.
Sunny Balwani: Don't talk about saving the world.
Elizabeth Holmes: I'm not gonna talk about saving the world.
Sunny Balwani: Don't use your giddy voice. Don't say "awesome..." You're beautiful. But you don't want to be too beautiful. They won't take you seriously.

Larry Ellison: Have you heard of Satori?
— Watch out. Larry loves to talk about all this Japanese stuff.
Larry Ellison: Yeah, I got the biggest tea garden in North America. Brought the structures in from Japan and added about 500 trees but... But Satori is Buddhist enlightenment. It's that moment where you can look inside yourself and know just who you are. You experienced Satori?

Elizabeth Holmes: So, what I'd really like to talk to you about is the seven-billion-dollar blood testing industry.
Larry Ellison: Yeah, Don took me through it, but let me ask you again. Are you a leader? Because if you want this, you really have to dedicate yourself to it. You have to be aggressive, start firing people, have you... have you fired anybody yet?
Elizabeth Holmes: Not yet.
Larry Ellison: Well, then you gotta fight. That's what it takes to be a CEO. That's what it takes to run a billion-dollar company. Is that what you really want?
Elizabeth Holmes: Yes!
Larry Ellison: Good! Then let's stop fucking around.

Elizabeth Holmes: We're working on a prototype. And we're hoping to get a meeting with a pharma company like Novartis.
Larry Ellison: And? What's stopping you?
Elizabeth Holmes: I'm having a hard time getting them to talk to me.
Larry Ellison: Then you gotta hustle. Oracle's first contract. Do you remember?.. The software was still a mess. And you know what I said? I said nothing. Nothing. GTFM. "Get the fuckin' money." "Get the fuckin' money." Do you get the fuckin' money?

Edmond Ku: You want me to ask people to work 24 hours a day? You know, Elizabeth, they have families, they have lives. They'll... They'll burn out, they'll quit.
Elizabeth Holmes: But people are replaceable. If you can't do this, I'm gonna start firing people.

Edmond Ku: Uh... You know, Elizabeth put her name down for our patent applications as one of the inventors. Did she work on the inventions?
Ian Gibbons: Not in any scientific way.

Elizabeth Holmes: I haven't announced this yet, but our series B round closed at a 165 million dollars. So, here's to Don Lucas and Larry Ellison! And let's party!

Rakesh Dewan: Calm down. Why are you breathing so hard? Just relax. I mean, it’s going to work. It just didn’t that day. I didn't know what to do. When we get the box to work, we’re not even gonna remember this. We’ll be geniuses and you’ll be able to tell this story at a conference wearing flip-flops. This is how it works. Just dance, Edmond.

Elizabeth Holmes: I would have graduated this year...
Sunny Balwani: Now you're a fucking millionaire.
Elizabeth Holmes: Yes!
Sunny Balwani: Fuck everyone!
Elizabeth Holmes: Whoo-hoo! I’m gonna change the world!

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