5 мая 2020 г.

The New Decas

Billions 5×1

— It's so wonderful to be gathered here together to witness this blessed occasion. Two souls, who've found one another, in the great expanse. Two people, fiery and strong, joining their flames into a single burning ember... In our tradition, marriage means 'never alone.'

Mike Wagner 'Wags': See it? Feel it? It's almost too much.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': The great Earth Mother blowing it around like smoke from the trees...
Bobby Axelrod: Kings! They don't blow around, man. They stand there and they take. First the village, then the city. Mass the troops for the keep. And once the keep... Yeah. The whole world.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': That's a whole lot of war to wage...
Bobby Axelrod: That's a whole lot of heads to chop, heads to chop, heads to chop... Chop, chop, chop...

Chuck Rhoades: So... buckle up...

Chuck Rhoades: That's the wonderful thing about family. It lives and breathes. It never contracts. Only expands...

Chuck Rhoades: ...for what? So your multitude of computers and servers could solve some abstract math equations resulting in the mining of Bitcoin. Worth millions right now... whoopee... but backed by what? Nada. Nix. Zot.
What's the dollar backed by, since we went off the gold standard?
Chuck Rhoades: Well, uh, roads, the military, industry, the credit of the federal government, that sort of thing... But, I get your point. We're not here to discuss monetary theory though. We're here to discuss who put you fucking nerds... sorry: 'engineers'... in business.

Chuck Rhoades: You can tell me or I can prosecute you until your lives are smoking piles of rubble and you're put in a place where a calculator is as close as you'll get to a computer.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': You know, what we took last night is nature's antidepressant.
Bobby Axelrod: I see the value. The clarity I had, the perspective. Everyone should have the chance to gaze upon their life from that perch. But I did not like what I saw from that perch.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': Most never make it to a million much less a billion. And you have ascended to that lofty plateau of ten of those. If a personal net worth of ten big tubs doesn't bring a smile to your face...
Bobby Axelrod: 'You're in the wrong line of work?'
Mike Wagner 'Wags': Mm.
Bobby Axelrod: Well. Maybe I am. I thought all of this would make me feel... good. If this doesn't...
Mike Wagner 'Wags': Yeah.
Bobby Axelrod: What will?

Bobby Axelrod: When did you know it wasn't just me?
Mike Wagner 'Wags': That doesn't matter at all. It's the New Decas! The Ten-Billion crew. The crema on top of the crème-de-la-crème. And you are right in the center of it. Because who is more Deca than you?

Mike Prince: Ball coach in high school told it to me, I never forgot: You make sure the guy passing the ball to the guy passing it to you gets as much credit as you do for putting it in the hoop. ... It's much more fun to share the praise.

Lauren: Give the press a little red meat so they don't come looking for the kill later. Smart... There are a couple phrases I might switch around.
Wendy Rhoades: Do it. I'll email it to you. I trust you to make it better.
Lauren: That's what I'd say to someone to let them know that I see them, that they're special. Leave 'em feeling great for doing me a service. But you're smoother. I think I might be able to learn something from you...

Taylor Mason: I was about to break my PB.
Chuck Rhoades: For swimming in place?
Taylor Mason: This is the most time and energy efficient way to get laps in. No need for flip turns.
Chuck Rhoades: Ah.

Taylor Mason: Axe still isn't talking to me about what you might call 'the deckle of the chop.'
Chuck Rhoades: Mm. Just nibbling at the edges, huh? And, uh, swimming in place.
Taylor Mason: As you see, yes.
Chuck Rhoades: But you have both the imagination and the perseverance to convince yourself that this is not treading water. What this pool says about you is that you have the capacity to fight boredom, the tide, the endless, beating march against you. These are basically the only qualities of my own that are worth a damn. They speak well of you. And are almost the direct opposite of the qualities that make Axe the shining light of his age... Oh. People like us must destroy people like him.

Taylor Mason: I will try my best.
Chuck Rhoades: I trust that you will.

Bobby Axelrod: When I hit the ten billion mark, I felt a flicker of excitement about the same as finding a twenty dollar bill on the sidewalk, and then... nothing.

Bobby Axelrod: The ayahuasca... I had a moment of seeing the whole thing, from above, from inside, from a whole other dimension. But even from every vantage point, what I saw was ugliness, and while maybe I hadn't lost yet, there was no feeling that... that I'd won. None at all.
Wendy Rhoades: You would never allow yourself to take it in, to appreciate it, because that would mean acknowledging you'd done well, succeeded, won the game. That there was a place to pause. Or stop.
Bobby Axelrod: Is it a game can be won?
Wendy Rhoades: Eh. The answer to that is a philosophical axiom... true without needing to be proved: When you decide you've won, you've won. Until then, no.

Becky Lynch: So secret number one, the real Kayfabe shit: The greatest thing that you can do in my game is to "put someone over," to make them look good. In wrestling, we don't all like each other. .... But at the end of the day, we're all part of a bigger family, alright? And we all 'do the job' for each other. Which is what we call it when we let someone else pin us because there is nothing more noble than taking a beatin' and makin' somebody else look good for the good of the whole goddamned operation. And, no. No. Sometimes it doesn't feel good. We all want to fight. We all want to win. And when the time is right, you shut your mouth and you do the job. And then maybe you moveto a different town, and someone does the job for you.

Taylor Mason: I am here as Chuck's operative because he wants to get you.

Taylor Mason: How?
Bobby Axelrod: If you were really here 'cause I forced you to be, your body language would be different.
Taylor Mason: I have tried to slump my shoulders.
Bobby Axelrod: But if it were real, you'd try to avoid showing me you were hurting. You'd walk with your shoulders back...

Bobby Axelrod: You need to be here. Doing this... not just for a living, not just to keep your name strong in the business... but to feel alive. Maybe even to be alive. You need that feeling you get when you see what no one else can. And bet on that vision. And be right. 'Cause you, Taylor, are a profit generating organism. You're just put together that way.

Taylor Mason: And Rhoades?
Bobby Axelrod: Fight him off, neutralize him.
Taylor Mason: And if I can't?
Bobby Axelrod: Fuck 'can't.' We just agreed on who you are. The person who does.

Chuck Rhoades: Ahh. 'Never give in. Never in nothing, great or small; large or petty. Never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.'

Chuck Rhoades: It's a triple cross...

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