11 мая 2020 г.

Gemini Man (2019)

Henry: Seventy-two kills, Del. That shit starts to mess with you a little bit.

Henry: I just want some peace.
Del: So what do I do now?
Henry: Wish me well.

Danny: So what are you fishing for?
Henry: Eh, peace and quiet. And mackerel.

Danny: Well, this is adios, Henry. It's been nice surveilling you.

Henry: Scared is good. It means you're alert.

Clayton Verris: When they're young and stupid, they believe anything you tell them. Then they get older. They wear out. Grow a conscience.

Henry: If they could clone a person, you'd think they'd clone more doctors or scientists, not me. They could've cloned Nelson Mandela...
Danny: Nelson Mandela couldn't kill a man on a moving train from two kilometres away.

Henry: Well, my government lied to me then tried to kill me..
Yuri: Yes. In Russia, we call that "Tuesday." But Americans, it hurts your feelings.

Yuri: Mr. Brogan, you are the best at what you do. But still you get tired. You have fears, doubts. You feel pain, perhaps remorse. You have a conscience. This makes you human, but sub-optimal as a soldier. Less than perfect. Less profitable.

Henry: There are shooters at your ten and two. Get up off of that chair, you will be AMF'ed. ....
Baron: What's AMF?
Danny: "Adios, motherfucker."

Baron: You know, it's not every day you see a guy get his ass kicked on two continents by himself.

Henry: Stop now, you can still become something else.
Junior: Sure. A doctor? Lawyer?
Henry: Husband. Father. All the things this job gives you the excuse not to be. I threw all of that away. It'd be a shame to waste these gifts a second time around.

Clayton Verris: I should've cloned myself...

Clayton Verris: You should be flattered.
Henry: You should be dead.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ nostradamvs: «А ведь идея-то неплоха. И актёры-то неплохи. Но запороли всё из-за тупого сценария и плохой режиссуры. Особенно по-идиотски смотрится, как в конце..... Тупость, в общем, какая-то. И даже моя любимая Мэри Элизабет Уинстед тут люто похудевшая и с дурацкой причёской, которая ей не идёт. Верните щёки её юности, что ли.»

Σ pita4og: «Простенький и предсказуемый сюжет, но фильм все же спасает бешеная харизма Уилла Смита и те самые спецэффекты с омоложением. В таких картинах главное, чтобы вас хоть чуточку интриговал сам процесс спасения главного героя. Как и куда полетит, кого и чем убьет. Здесь все это есть, а бонусом все же нестандартные локации, где все происходит и действительно замечательные перестрелки, погони и драки. Динамика есть, а вот интрига - ну так на троечку.»

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