22 апр. 2023 г.

Wrong Place (2022)

Chloe Richards: The one thing about having cancer is that people cannot stay mad at you for too long.

Jake Brown: I'm here to update your security camera with our latest models. If uh... you could show me where your recordings are, I...
Jerry: You're in the wrong place. ... Just between you and me, we don't use those anymore.
Jake Brown: Are you sure about that?
Jerry: Yup. We got Frank Richards. Used to be the police captain. He's all the security we need.

Jake Brown: That shit's impossible. I saw him here.
Chloe Richards: You're obviously in the wrong place.

Chloe Richards: Never fuck with a bitch who's ready to die.

Jake Brown: Honestly, feel bad for you. Look at you. You're just an old man with an old gun. Nothing personal, pal, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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