12 апр. 2023 г.

Star on the Wall

Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan 3×8

Mike November: You want my professional opinion?
Jim Greer: Any way I could stop you from giving it?
Mike November: This is fucking insane.

Alexei Petrov: I firmly believe that the time for stalemate is over, sir. Meeting the Americans with half measures only invites their dominance over us.

Daniil Kagansky: I follow orders, sir.
Luka Gocharov: Funny. Old men give the orders. The young men die.

Alexei Petrov: Stalemate. That is not victory. It's the inertia of the grave.

Alexei Petrov: We are not a dead country. We were once the most feared nation on Earth. The monster that kept the rest of the world up at night. Today... we become so again.

Captain Bennett: Well, as you can see, Dr. Ryan, we are currently engaged, so my standing orders are to respond to any aggression with equal and overwhelming force.

Luka Gocharov: Funny thing about Russia, we stand on what other men made and then... then we forget.
Daniil Kagansky: I think everywhere's like that.
Luka Gocharov: But here now, in Russia, we've forgotten so much. We don't build things anymore. We build lies.

Alexei Petrov: Patriots cannot be bought, Mr. Greer.
Jim Greer: What about traitors, comrade?

President Surikov: "We must meet our duty and convince the world that we are just friends and brave enemies."
Mike November: Thomas Jefferson.

Luka Gocharov: Orders? I have carried out orders that you would not believe. And now I know some orders are wrong. You cannot absolve yourself by simply saying, "I have my orders."

Captain Antonov: The penalty for mutiny is death.
Daniil Kagansky: Same with treason.

Luka Gocharov: So... here we are again, huh? Preparing to do an act of great evil in the name of righteousness...

Jack Ryan: You and I both know this starts with missiles, but that is not where it ends.

President Surikov: ...you were never here. Understood?
Jim Greer: With all respect, this isn't the first time I wasn't in Moscow.

Jim Greer: Did you just pitch her for business? Un-fucking-believable.

Luka Gocharov: Jack, we have done our jobs, and done them well. This fight was passed down to us and will continue on with or without us. But we will always be better than the institutions we serve. And that is what matters when it matters most.      There are no heroes in our profession. But, occasionally, there are good men. Men who act on what is right. Not simply doing what they're told...

+ Quotes on the IMDb

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