18 апр. 2010 г.

Legend of the Seeker 2x17


Season 2, Episode 17

* Cara: Am I the only one who finds it a little suspicious that we were just asking ourselves what we should do when we find the Stone, and suddenly a mysterious man shows up saying he knows where the instructions are?

* Zedd is telling the truth, Richard. I am a scholar, but I am also Panis Rahl, your father.

* Zedd: The first lesson my father ever taught me was that a Wizard commits his greatest crime not when he attempts to do the work of the Keeper. The greatest sin of all is when a Wizard attempts to do the work of the Creator.

* Zedd: I can never forgive myself.
   Richard: I know what it's like to doubt yourself at every turn, but I've realized that if I stop and question every decision I make I'll never get anywhere. All we can do is make the best choices we can and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

--- Dictionary:
Vengeance — месть, мщение; возмездие

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~ Папочка Ричарда Пениз Рал. До чего ж pathetic. O tempora o mores! Что ж еще эпизод грядущий нам готовит?..

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