Both Sides Now
Season 5, Episode 24
* House:
Clang, clang, clang
went the trolley...
ding ding ding...
Just warning you. I'm in a good mood. And largely pain-free, so I have no idea how things...
* House: Good morning, sunshine. We got a brand-new toy. You wanna play?
Cuddy: We need to talk.
House: Great. I love euphemisms. By euphemism I mean when you say something, and it means something else.
* House: Isn't that like locking the barn door after the horse has put his face between your breasts for an hour and a half?
Cuddy: I'm your boss. You're an employee.
House: I'm not normally into role-playing, but if you wanna...
Cuddy: People who get close to you get hurt. That's a fact. You're also a valued doctor in this hospital. That's another fact. From now on, we're gonna focus on the second fact.
House: So this isn't you freaking out over last night.
Cuddy: This isn't an emotional decision. I'm just giving you the rules. You can either accept them or leave.
* House: I slept with Cuddy. After she helped me detox from Vicodin. I've been clean for almost 24 hours now.
Wilson: Wow. {...} You were sober. She was sober?
House: Clean and sober and hot.
Wilson: This is fantastic. How are you gonna screw it up?
House: Several good options. But, I don't think she's gonna give me the pleasure. She left before I woke up, and 5 minutes ago she told me that I'm just an employee.
Wilson: Well, either she's actually in love with you and scared, or she realized last night was a gigantic mistake...
* Wilson: You didn't talk to her, did you?
House: If I talked, she'd have lied, I'd have lied. And though 2 negatives make a positive, I thought thermal imaging photos seemed simpler. Note how many more heated areas appear after less than a minute with me. So it's either love or possibly rage.
* House: And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the left hemisphere... the side that's obsessed with finding answers, the one that needs things to make sense, the interpreter. That's where we tell the story of who we are and why we do things.
Taub: That's also the side that was wrong. Right brain's advantage is that it isn't logical, doesn't choose which details to look at, makes connections you could never see. So, you owe your insight to the "mute loser."
* Wilson: You have to wait for her to be ready.
House: Great advice. You pretend that I'm gonna do that.
Wilson: You've made two major changes in your life. Not a time anyone's judgment is at its best.
House: Didn't you use to argue that my judgment would be better off drugs? Admit it, you're curious why I wanna make her angry.
Wilson: I'm sure it's convoluted, wrong, and stupid.
House: You're dying to know what I found on her coffee cup.
Wilson: No. Because...
House: Oxytocin.
Wilson: Oxytocin... The chemical involved in emotional bonding?
House: Her lips say no... her hormones say, "Oh, my God, yes, more!"
* Cameron: Got a minute?
House: There's something wrong with this cup.
Cameron: I need someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to be my whiteboard. That's how you taught me to work. I have three choices: 1st... I can accept it's over, pretend we don't work in the same hospital, have selective visual impairment when we pass each other in the hall. Second... I can accept it's over and leave...
House: Or you could try making him angry. Standard choice number three.
Cameron: Third... I can talk to him, but it's not like I have any new facts I can present. And Chase has this romantic view of love that reality can't compete with.
House: I know how you could succeed.
Cameron: How?
House: Just say the magic words... "I will destroy my husband's sperm." You mean succeed without doing that. Probably not.
Cameron: I have doubts. Normal doubts. It's not wrong to prepare for bad things to happen even if you don't expect them to. I don't expect my condo to burn down, but I have fire insurance.
House: If your condo rules don't let you buy insurance, would you go homeless?
* House: Why is there no lipstick on this cup? Cuddy was wearing lipstick when she drank from it. It was on my face. Why isn't it on the cup?
Wilson: Why is it always reasonable in Houseland to take an emotional problem and sidestep it by turning it into a mechanical problem?
House: Because in Houseland... and the rest of the universe, by the way... when a question presents itself, it calls for an answer.
Wilson: If the left brain is the interpreter of reality and the one that tells us the story of who we are, then what is your story? Do you wanna be the man with the answers, or do you wanna be the man with Cuddy?
* House: What do I do?
Wilson: You make her angry.
House: You think that was the best time to mock me?
Wilson: I'm as surprised as you, but I think I'm serious. Communication can't start unless you're...
House: I've been trying to make her angry for...
Wilson: No, you haven't. Come on! Poo, strippers? It's routine stuff. You've been pulling your punches. You're scared. You should be. Now... go terrorize her.
* House [loudly, in the hospital hall]: Attention! I have an announcement. As you go about your day, I would like you to be aware of the fact that I slept with Lisa Cuddy!
* Cuddy: This is beyond ass-hood! You have the luxury of not caring about your image. I do not! I can permit a lot of crap, but an employee shouting about his sexual exploits with me... no! That is zero tolerance! So congratulations, House. I am angry.
House: I was wondering if we should move in together.
Cuddy: You're fired.
* House: No, no, that... that's not what happened. I told you that I needed you. You... you helped me.
Cuddy: Are you okay? Are you okay? {........}
"Amber": So... this is the story you made up about who you are. It's a nice one.
"Kutner": Too bad it isn't true.
House: I'm not okay.
--- Dictionary:
impairment — ухудшение, ослабление; повреждение, ущерб
to pull one's punches — наносить удары для видимости
hood — колпачок
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Dear House M. D.! Welcome to the Mayfield Psychiatric Hospital.
And this was the
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