10 авг. 2009 г.

My Name Is Earl 1x04

Faked My Own Death

Season 1, Episode 4

* Randy Hickey: Maybe you should listen to Catalina. She's a woman just like Natalie. They're both women, her and Natalie. You and I are men. We're not women.
[ Earl Narrating: ] Sometimes Randy takes a long road to a simple thought.
   Randy Hickey: You see, men think different than women. You and I think different than Natalie and Catalina... cause we're men and they're women. I'm right, right? I-I'm not wrong. Am I wrong?
Earl Hickey: No.

* Randy Hickey: Catalina, how often do you clean the bedspreads?
   Catalina: I don't know. I've only worked here for a year.

* Earl Hickey: For smelling like feet, this cheese is pretty damn good.

* Earl Hickey: And like a butterfly, I too was trapped. But instead of a net, I was caught by a crazy girl wiping her nose on me. She told me she loves me.
   Catalina: What?
   Earl Hickey: I was nice to her like you told me to, and she told me she loved me. She even rubbed her nose against mine, real soft.
   Randy Hickey: What'd that feel like?
   Earl Hickey: It tickled for a second, but then it itched.

* Randy Hickey: It was nice to see Natalie so happy, wasn't it? Yeah. I'm glad she's not dead anymore. Being dead is definitely worse than being alive.
   When you're dead, you can't do all the cool stuff you can do when you're alive. You and I, we can do all kinds of cool stuff, cause we're living.
   We're not dead. We're alive. If we were dead, we wouldn't be able to do all the cool stuff we can do because we're alive. Dead people can't do cool stuff. Only people that are alive can do cool stuff, because they're living... and you have to be living to be able to do cool stuff.
   You have to be alive. Yeah, except when you're alive, sometimes bad stuff happens too. Like, sometimes you can get in a car wreck or you can have a headache... or twist your ankle or even stub your big toe.
   So being alive's kinda hard too... but I think it's definitely better than being "a-dead."

--- Словарик:
Narrating — (кино) дикторский текст; текст от автора, авторский комментарий
tickle — щекотать; раздражать;
itch — чесаться, зудеть; свербеть

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