1 нояб. 2020 г.

The Pretend War

Fargo 4×4

: Violante When first I come to America, I know nothing. How to dress, what to eat. ... On the street I hear this phrase. "American values." And I think, "what does it mean?" Financial values I understand. Money. What a thing is worth. Human values, this also makes sense. The things we love. Family, I bambini... But this American values: land of the free, home of the brave this I don't know. And then I learn the history of this country. Your slavery, the smallpox in the blankets, how you stole the land from the natives... And I realize... To be an American is to pretend. Capisce? You pretend to be one thing when really you are something else.

Loy Cannon: Sell 200 to Mort Kellerman.
Doctor Senator: Out of Fargo?

Oraetta Mayflower: Mmm. I was reading the most delicious article last night about Istanbul. Even the word's romantic, don't you think? Istanbul... I think that's where they filmed Casablanca.
Josto Fadda: Mm... They filmed Casablanca in Casablanca.
Oraetta Mayflower: Oh, y-yeah, course. Silly me. Just... doesn't it sound divine? Getting away, laying out for the northern territories, wind in your hair?
Josto Fadda: I got mouths to feed, answerability.
Oraetta Mayflower: Oh. A box, you mean... Four walls of pine, which is... well, a coffin is what it is, mister. There are places in the amazon rain-forests where a million butterflies take flight all at once. Isn't that something a man should see before he dies?

Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: How much?
Oraetta Mayflower: How much what?
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: The way I see it, this whole place... Sheets, dishes, three hours' work... That's at least a dollar.
Oraetta Mayflower: Well, aren't you a little capitalist...

Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Son? Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart?

Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: I'll be in the car, waiting for my friend, if you need me. You fellas have a nice day.

Thurman Smutny: What are you doing here? ... You're out here risking arrest to ask me who made dessert?
Zelmare Roulette: No. I'm your monopoly card.
Thurman Smutny: My what?
Zelmare Roulette: Your get out of jail free card.

Thurman Smutny: Where...? Where?
Zelmare Roulette: Thurman, can I give you some advice?
Thurman Smutny: Yeah.
Zelmare Roulette: When the money fairy comes to visit, don't ask questions.
Thurman Smutny: Why does it smell funny?
Zelmare Roulette: Also a question.
Thurman Smutny: How much?
Zelmare Roulette: ....

Thurman Smutny: She's not gonna like it.
Zelmare Roulette: No, she ain't. But she'll get over it. What we don't get over is being dead.

Zelmare Roulette: You tell my niece I'm proud of her. Tell her don't let no sorry ass cut in front of her in line.
Thurman Smutny: Uh, what line?
Zelmare Roulette: Any line.

Thurman Smutny: We're out. Out of danger. Out of debt.
Dibrell Smutney: Baby... What did you do?
Thurman Smutny: Whatever I did, it's done.

Thurman Smutny: She'll be all right. This'll... It'll all blow over soon enough.

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