7 нояб. 2020 г.

The Birthplace of Civilization

Fargo 4×5

Rabbi Milligan: This problem you got... It's a math problem. Either you divide them, or they multiply. Capisce?

Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: Aunt Zelmare, what would you do if you saw something wrong? Something you could fix?
Zelmare Roulette: Nothing.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: What do you mean?
Zelmare Roulette: I mean nothing.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: 'Cause you're a criminal?
Zelmare Roulette: I ain't a criminal. ......
Swanee Capps: We ain't criminals. We're outlaws.
Zelmare Roulette: See, criminals play the game.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: What game?
Zelmare Roulette: Life. The earth. Society, right? They got their rules. Banking and family. An honest dollar for an honest day's work. Politics and voting. And the criminal... He on the other side of that, but still he play the game. And if he plays it long enough, he even starts to talk about going legit.
Swanee Capps: The outlaw, on the other hand...
Zelmare Roulette: The outlaw, on the other hand... Well, we reject the game. Society.
Swanee Capps: Ain't nothing organized about our crime, 'cause our crime is freedom.
Zelmare Roulette: No rules. And nothing's ever broke, and there ain't nothing to fix.
Swanee Capps: All we want is to live while we're alive and... Die with a gun in our hands.

Josto Fadda: You know why America loves a crime story? Because America is a crime story. But here's the rub. When we hear a crime story, who do we root for? Not the poor sap that got taken. The victim, no. We root for the taker. The guy with the gat.
     See, this country loves a man who takes what he wants. Unless... Unless that man looks like you. Capisce?
     See, Johnny society looks at me, they see a fella that's using crime to get ahead. But you? All they see is crime. And that's why you're gonna lose. 'Cause I can take all the money and pussy I want and still run for president. But you? It's always gonna be the rope.

Gaetano Fadda: Milk and sugar? You know what's wrong with this country, hmm? Your Jesus... Looks like a lady, hmm? And everybody thinks they're gonna be president one day. So nobody do the job they got. In Italy, we paid to sweep... We sweep. We pay you to make a coffee, you make coffee like Michelangelo. Hmm?

Gaetano Fadda: You think it's funny because your lady Jesus tell you that I'm gonna turn the other cheek. Well... I'm Italian. And in Italy, they had to nail our Jesus to the cross. Otherwise, he comes down and kill every last motherfucker in Jerusalem.

Thurman Smutny: Mr. Cannon...
Loy Cannon: You need to invite us in, Thurnan.

Dibrell Smutney: Mr. Cannon, p-please.
Loy Cannon: No, no. We're past "please." now we're at, "Whatever you want, boss. Just don't kill me."

Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: ...if you deem yourself a civilized person, and I know you do, you've got to act in a civilized manner. End of story. So... I'm asking. Where's your auntie at?
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: "Civilized"?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Mm-hmm. That's what I said.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: You know, do you not, that Africa is the birthplace of civilization? Which means both your ancestors and mine came from the same green Savannah. I got an "A" in anthropology. That's factual.
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Fascinating.

Swanee Capps: Mister, either rape us or kill us already.
Loy Cannon: Dying's too easy. You owe me, and I'm putting you to work.
Zelmare Roulette: We ain't whores.
Loy Cannon: Don't need whores. Need soldiers, invisible soldiers. Soldiers the other side can't see coming. Who's more invisible than you?

Doctor Senator: Son, I hate to be the one to tell you, but... You got it all wrong. Your countryman Machiavelli... He wrote, "he who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command."

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