Burn Victim
Season 3, Episode 11
& Randy: Earl, you just crossed off June and July of next year. Are those months not happening anymore?.. I don't mind. It's just that I need to move some stuff around.
& Warden: I was at this press conference... and this really tricky reporter tricked me... w- with his tricky trickiness.
& Tricky reporter: What do you plan to do to turn around this dismal record?
Warden: Well, I have what I call the Super-duper Super Program. I don't want to go into all the details now... but I gotta tell you, it's pretty great.
& Earl: Isn't everybody who commits assault* kind of aggravated*?
Randy: Not necessarily. Remember when I hugged that baby duck to death? That was fun... until it was sad.
& Warden: Earl, if I wanted an uncomfortable silence... I would have made a lunch date with my wife.
& Earl: Okay. Fine. Let's do it. I haven't written a check in a while. What do I put in this memo section?
Joy: You're supposed to put something to remind you what the check was for... but I usually just write, "Suck it, gas company."
& Earl: Then I realized this crown would mean even more to someone else.
But you know who we should really be thanking for this...
Some prisoner: Jesus?
Earl: Well, okay, but I was thinking of someone a little more on our level.
Prisoner: The pope?
Earl: Okay, church guy. Stop answering. I'm just gonna tell you. It's John.
Prisoner: John the Baptist?
Earl: No, John the Artist.
assault — нападение; насилие
aggravated — при отягчающих обстоятельствах
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