22 мар. 2010 г.

Legend of the Seeker 2x14


Season 2, Episode 14

* Nicci 2 Richard: Your fight against the Keeper is futile. In the end, he will win. He always does. Life is fleeting, death is eternal.

* Kahlan: My father's estate is just west of that river. If he's still there.
   Cara: How long has it been?
   Kahlan: Fifteen years.
   Cara: Close family.

* Nicci: Do you always stop along your quest to help people? No wonder you haven't found the Stone of Tears. Even if you had solved their problem, what about the people at the next farm? And the next?..
   Richard: You know, just because I can't help everyone doesn't mean I shouldn't help anyone.
   Nicci: That's exactly where you're wrong. What would you do with a horse whose leg was broken? You'd put it out of its misery. This world is like a lame horse. Helping people only prolongs their suffering.

* Richard 2 Nicci: What kind of monster are you?

* Richard: What happened to you was wrong.
   Nicci: The whole world is wrong. That's why the Keeper wants to end it. And I thank him every day for giving me the strength to help him.

* Richard: Nicci, you are strong. But I don't believe a person's strength comes from the Keeper or the Creator. Your strength is yours and yours alone. And what you do with it is up to you.

--- Словарик:
futile — бесполезный, тщетный; несерьёзный; пустячный; пустой; поверхностный
lame — хромой; увечный, слабый, парализованный

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~ Ну вот... Израсходовали основное заклинание из 6-го Правила. Спрашивается — на что?..

8 Следы Дракона = Пехотные мины? О_О

! А Марисса тоже ничего... Была. Только мелькнула и сразу ушла. Вслед за Улицией :-/

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