12 мар. 2010 г.

House M.D. 5x04


Season 5, Episode 4

* Cuddy: Sorry about your father.
   House: I'm not. Are we done emoting now?
   Cuddy: If there's anything I can do, just...
   House: You know, you're right. I don't think I can sleep alone tonight. And you can tell me that that is liquid vicodin.

* House 2 Wilson: My ring tone for you is Dancing Queen, by Abba.

* Cameron: What do you think House would send, the "gentle comfort" arrangement or the "warm thoughts" bouquet? I mean, if he wasn't an ass.
   Chase: Send one of those giant cookies shaped like a coffin. His mom would believe it was from him.
Foreman: I didn't tell you so you could send anything. Just wanted you to know the extent to which the man is disconnected from the human race.

* House: I am not talking. We were strangers who shared some geography 30 years ago.
   Wilson: Right, he had no influence on you at all.
   House: The father who was compulsive about punctuality. His issue. Which I deliberately made not my issue.
   Wilson: Thereby making it your issue. Compulsively showing up four hours late, ignoring discipline, ignoring rules.

* House: There's a lot of people here today. Including some from the corps. And I notice that every one of them is either my father's rank or higher. And that doesn't surprise me. Because if the test of a man is how he treats those he has power over, it was a test my father failed. This man you're eager to pay homage to, he was incapable of admitting any point of view but his own. He punished failure, and he did not accept anything less than...... he loved doing what he did. He saw his work as some kind of... sacred calling. More important than any personal relationship. Maybe if he'd been a better father, I'd be a better son. But I am what I am because of him... for better or for worse.

* House: Differential. Say you're a middle-aged chinese woman...
   Wilson: Fine.
   House: Say it.
   Wilson: I'm a middle-aged chinese woman.

* House about the patient: She's lucky. We're all screwed up by our parents. She's got documentation.

* Wilson: Something goin' on?
   House: I'm celebrating. My mom hated him too.
   Wilson: Your DNA test showed no match? That's incredible. At the age of 12, you actually figured out your father wasn't your birth father? That's what you wanted, wasn't it? Why should it depress you?
   House: It doesn't depress me. Doesn't make any difference at all. That's what depresses me.
   Wilson: Well, I guess nobody gets to choose who their parents are... I'm not even sure anymore if we get to choose who our friends are.

* Wilson: I spoke with Cuddy. She hasn't filled my position yet.
   House: If you're coming back just because you're attracted to the shine of my neediness... I'd be okay with that.
   Wilson: I'm coming back because you're right. That strange, annoying trip we just took was the most fun I've had since Amber died.

--- Словарик:
compulsive — непреодолимый; навязчивый; маниакальный
deliberately — преднамеренно, умышленно, сознательно, нарочно
eager — страстно стремящийся, жаждущий
to pay homage — засвидетельствовать почтение

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