28 мар. 2010 г.

Edge Of Darkness

* Jedburgh: Cigar?
   Craven: Not celebrating just now.

* Jedburgh: I know you know Latin.
   Craven: Sto sursum. You know what that means, yeah?
   Jedburgh: Stand the fuck up.
   Craven: Please do so.

* Jedburgh: There's a point where anyone can become an activist. I mean you see something so wrong, you have to act. Even if it means the end of you.

* Jedburgh: I do sometimes like that feel like Diogenes. You know, the guy who walked around with a lamp. Looking for an honest man.
   Craven: How did it turn out?
   Jedburgh: Well, for him? I don't remember. But you and I have done pretty good. Bonne chance.

* Emma's boyfriend: That's illegal in Massachusetts.
   Craven: Everything is illegal in Massachusetts.

* Craven: Public drinking is illegal in Massachusetts.
   Jedburgh: Everything is illegal in Massachusetts.

* Jedburgh: I never had kids. Maybe it's better not to have had one than to see one die.
   Craven: No. It's worth everything to have one.

* Jedburgh: Now you know better than anyone, cases like these are never solved. Simply too complicated, too much hard work. There is a lot going on out there in this world. You just never can connect "A" to "B".
   Craven: How do you know that?
   Jedburgh: Because I'm usually the guy that stops you connecting "A" to "B". It's part of what I do.

* Craven: Now I want to see the Senator.
   Sanderman: See the Senator? Who the fuck do you think you are?
   Craven: I'm the guy with nothing to lose that doesn't give a shit.

* Jedburgh 2 a doctor who checked his eyes: Do you see a soul in there?

* The doctor: I'm not a counselor. I know you want to banter with me. I don't do that. I can only give you the facts.
   Jedburgh: We all know what the facts are. We live a while, and then we die sooner than we planned.

* Craven: You know, Bill. No one expects you to be perfect. But there's a few basic things you got to get right. Always do the best you can by your family, go to work every day, always speak your mind. Never hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it. Never take anything from the bad guys. It's all. It's not much to ask.

* Jedburgh: We're all terminal, Millroy. Even middle management.

* Senator: I understand you had a chance to terminate Detective Craven and did not do so.
   Jedburgh: You come to me. I look at things. I decide.
   Millroy: Jedburgh, we've got to get the Senator out to the press.
   Jedburgh: I've decided what this country is.
   Senator: What?!
   Jedburgh: People, who deserve better. ... Senator, I don't think you really understand what side of this situation you're on.
   Senator: I... I... I am a United States Senator.
   Jedburgh: By what standards?

--- Словарик:
Craven — трус, малодушный человек; запугивать, внушать боязнь, робость
counselor — консультант; воспитатель, вожатый
banter with — вести шутливую беседу, обмениваться шутками

Чуть завышенные (ИМО): 6.9/10 на Imdb (> 11.000 голосов по состоянию на 28/3/10).

~ Нормальный такой себе боевичок на модную экологическую тему. Одноразовый, впрочем.
~ М. Гибсон в стиле "есть еще порох в пороховницах", а также "в бой идут старики".
+ Интересный чистильщик-Jedburgh, который обрывает концы.

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