1 июл. 2020 г.

Queen & Slim (2019)

Slim: To be honest, I don't have many photos of myself.
Queen: Why not?
Slim: I know what I look like.
Queen: Pictures aren't just about vanity. They're proof of your existence.
Slim: My family know I exist. That's enough.

Slim: Now we ain't got no phones.
Queen: Phone ain't nothing but a tracking device anyway.

Slim: I'm not a criminal.
Queen: You are now.
Slim: I just want to go home, and I want to see my family. If you turn yourself in, you will never see them again. All we can do is go forward. There is nothing back there for us.

Slim: You're lying.
Queen: How do you know?
Slim: You answered too fast.
Queen: Come on, man! I thought, if a person answered quickly, that meant they were telling the truth.
Slim: My dad always told me the person that answers too quickly had a lie ready to go.
Queen: Well, that's good to know.
Slim: How you know if your clients are telling the truth?
Queen: I don't.
Slim: Then how can you defend 'em?
Queen: That's my job.
Slim: Are you a good lawyer?
Queen: Come on! I'm an excellent lawyer.
Slim: Why do black people always feel the need to be excellent? Why can't we just be ourselves?

Large Black Man: Power to the people.

Slim: You're not shaving my head.
Uncle Earl: Fine. You can choose. You're a woman. I believe in a woman's right to choose... But you ain't shit. Use the cheap razor on his ass.

Slim: What if God wanted me to die and I messed up his plan?
Queen: I don't think that's what he wanted.
Slim: How do you know?
Queen: I just... I just think you were meant to be here.

Slim: It's beautiful out here.
Queen: .... Is it?
Slim: I'm just trying to make conversation.
Queen: I'm just being honest.
Slim: Oh. You have to be honest all the time?
Queen: Do you want me to be silent?

Slim: What do you want?
Queen: I want a guy to show me myself. I want him to love me so deeply I'm not afraid to show him how ugly I can be. I want him to show me scars I never knew I had. But I don't want him to make them go away. I want him to hold my hand while I nurse them myself. And I want him to cherish the bruises they leave behind.

Queen: What do you want?
Slim: I want a ride-or-die.
Queen: Oh, my God. What does that even mean?
Slim: I just want someone that's always gonna love me no matter what. Someone that's gonna hold my hand and never let it go. She got to be special, though. 'Cause she gonna be my legacy.
Queen: What do you mean?
Slim: Look, I ain't gonna bend the world. Long as my lady remembers me fondly, that's all I need.

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