14 июл. 2020 г.

Avengement (2019)

Mo: ...that nutter killed Rook.
Vern: Well, we all feel bad for him, bro. But I've got a business to run. Rook would be the first to agree with me, because whilst he was a bit of sadistic cunt, he was first and foremost a professional.

Cain Burgess: You must be a tough guy then, yeah? Chasin' that bloke away all by yourself. It's funny, that. You don't look like a tough guy to me.
Tune: Well, what's a fucking tough guy look like then?!
Cain Burgess: Well, they look like me, don't they? You know, handsome, well-aged.

Lincoln Burgess: Cain, I have a few very simple rules that I live my life by. And they've served me double well over the years. One of 'em is never, ever, ever lend money to family. ... You see, little bruv, lending money is what I do. I mean, what happens if you can't pay me back, and your business plan goes fucking backside? We don't wanna come after you and seriously hurt you.

Cain Burgess: ... So as the months and the weeks rolled by, I slowly but surely turned myself into what you see before you now. A hardened, rusty nail.

Cain Burgess: You see, the body can be strengthened to a degree, but it's your mind that makes you impervious to defeat. Just like the skin on your knuckles, the mind can be made callous as fuck. Bodily pain can do that. So I learned how to take pain. But, more importantly, I learned how to dish it out.

Lincoln Burgess: You're gonna die in here tonight, Cain. You got two barrels. There's ten of us.
Cain Burgess: I only need one to blow your fuckin' head apart.

Lincoln Burgess: You know, there's a million nerves in the human body. And you, as my brother, my fucking brother, you have always, since the day you were fucking born, got on every, single fucking one of 'em.

Cain Burgess: Cheers, guys.

Cain Burgess: You see, that's what happens when you get other people to do your dirty work. You forget to check the gun to see if it's loaded.

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Σ nostradamvs: «На удивление нормальный, видимо, потому что британский, боевик со Скоттом Адкинсом, которому его и так не особо красивую физиономию подувечили дополнительно с помощью новой челюсти. По сюжету он был такой простой парень, а его брат - бандюга; брат подставил Адкинса, а потом нанял пацанов убить того в тюрьме, и 7 лет Адкинс в тюрьме дрался, дрался, дрался, дрался и выжил. И стал пуленепробиваемым. И дальше он выходит и всех врагов мочит, а всем хорошим отдаёт деньги плохих. Драки поставлены круто, но герои уж слишком неубиваемы - после нескольких ножевых дерутся, как будто только-только начали. Такие нормальные британские 90-е.»

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