9 июл. 2020 г.

It Comes at Night (2017)

Paul: When we're inside the house, the door to the back room stays closed and locked, ... And the door leading to the back room also stays closed and locked, all the time, the red door. I have the keys, the only set. Or Sarah will have them. Um... It's the only way in and out of the house. Everything else you see is all boarded up. Um... Most important thing, we never go out at night, unless it's an absolute emergency. And even when we do go out during the day, we like to stick to groups of two just for safety, you know, collecting wood or water, whatnot.

Paul: Good people, huh?
Travis: Yes. I like them here.
Paul: Well, you just keep it in perspective, okay? I don't need to tell you, but... you can't trust anyone, but family. As good as they seem. Just don't forget that, okay?

Paul: I was a teacher... History.
Will: Get outta here.
Paul: Yeah, you want to know all about the Roman Empire? I'm your guy.

Sarah: It's gonna be okay. You can let go. You can let go...

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