10 июл. 2020 г.

Caballo de Troya

Money Heist 1×4

El Profesor: When you were a child, what games did you play in the playground?
Raquel: With... the jump rope, hitting the can, the donkey... I played ladybirds too. I was very good at that.
El Profesor: I played cops and robbers. Is it familiar? Some of us played cops and had to catch the others and when they got you, they got you, but Raquel: I don't remember a single child in that playground who surrendered before he was caught.

Raquel: It'll won't be easy to get the green light to your requests, due to... logistic issues, safety issues....
El Profesor: Imagine this: a building collapses and there are 67 people inside. How many arrangements do you think they would approve to save the lives of those innocent people?... Inspector, let's be clear. You only have two choices. One: to punish us. Two: to save lives. And I'm afraid you can't choose both things.

El Profesor: ... I'll give you those 67 hostages in perfect health, when we are in international waters. And I assure that's not the first choice I had. I hate the sea, the fish and the sand on the beach. But life don't always give you an easy way out, don't you think?

Raquel: He's in control, because he knows everything goes according to plan.
Coronel Prieto: What plan is better than going out with the eight millions of the safe vault?
Raquel: ... They're printing their own unmarked money.

Tokio: A thief is, by definition, an inveterate optimist. They always think everything will be all right...

El Profesor: I apologize. But I see you and... And it doesn't fit. It's not what I imagine when I think about...
About what? A battered woman? Because I've got a gun, right? Listen, the reality is that... it doesn't start with a smack. In that case, nobody would be with a violent man. It's the other way round. You're... You fall in love with a charming and intelligent man... who makes you feel the centre of the universe. And when he asks you to change your profile picture and use a picture of your daughter, you think it's tender. And when he tells you not to wear a miniskirt to work, you think: "I'm a woman who works in a men's world, he's actually protecting me." And then one day... he raises his voice... Look, it's like... It's like going down steps little by little. Like in those horror films where somebody goes down to the basement and everybody thinks: "Don't go downstairs. Don't do it." But you do it. That's where I got the first slap. And then the second, and the third...

Berlín: If you don't start having a cool head, forget about the millions, Acapulco and the garden full of children, because you'll screw all up. You only have to do one thing: be professionals.
Nairobi: Doesn't this seem professional to you?
Berlín: Precious.
Nairobi: No, not precious. A fucking note better than the ones in the bank. They can't even trace it. A work of art. And you know why?
Berlín: Enlighten me, Nairobi.
Nairobi: Because it's been made with care. I'm a professional.

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