17 июл. 2020 г.

La cálida Guerra Fría

Money Heist 1×6

Mónica: Listen, Moscow, and what's it like... being...? I mean, being a parent.
Moscú: Being a parent... You see, being a parent means that all of a sudden a pile of problems falls right on your shoulders and also for the rest of your life. In a few words, being worried for the rest of your life. First, it's the baby's colds. That means you'll be in the emergency room every weekend instead of going for a drink.
Mónica: I don't mind, I don't drink.
Moscú: You don’t know what you’re missing, you don't know how good a Pacharán feels when you leave him there sleeping like an angel in his cot. And then there's school. The fear... that all parents feel of... your son being the dummy and the punching bag in his class. I mean, what’s known as "bullying" now. The fact is that in my case... it was my son who did the beating. He was being expelled all the time. I can’t tell how many schools he went to, that... ... Because in the end, all you want is... him to be normal, him not to end up on a corner, smoking joints instead of going to school. But being a parent... is good. It's very...

Ángel: They're not wearing the Dali face masks! It's a fucking suicide.

Tokio: People find a lot of things sexy. Dancing, muscles, fair hair, a French accent... Do you know what I find sexy? Intelligence. Men who speak to you and you can't help admiring them. It doesn't matter whether they are tall, short, ugly, good-looking... It turns me on that they talk to me about things I don't know.
El Profesor: Well, it's a peculiarity, it's registered in dictionaries, it's called sapiophilia.
Tokio: You know everything, don't you?

Tokio: One thing. How did you come up with the idea of this heist?
El Profesor: It wasn't me who had the idea.
Tokio: And who did?
El Profesor: It wasn't me.

Raquel: How the fuck did they know we were inside? How long did they spend studying all our next steps each second?
El Profesor: If I'm honest with you, half of my life.
Raquel: How long do they expect to be inside there?
El Profesor: Not long, only 9 more days. 10, 11 the longest.

Ángel: Listen, Raquel. Fancy a bite before going home?
Raquel: Between eating and sleeping, I'd choose the former, but...

Mariví: Kido, in the end love is what makes us see life in different way.

Mariví: How are you getting on with the heist, darling?
Not well, not well. not well. There, sitting all day, in a stagnant situation, and...
Mariví: But you sitting, my darling? What you have to do is to chase. You only catch bad people when you chase them.

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