5 июл. 2020 г.

Megan Leavey (2017)

Megan Leavey: In the end, you don't leave because you have somewhere to go. You leave because there's nothing keeping you there.

Megan Leavey: Master Sergeant, I'm sorry...
Master Sergeant: Shut up. Don't mess with me, it brings out my Irish.

Master Sergeant: Why are you here in the Marines? You don't know, do you? Well, I do. You think you're the first entitled brat with a chip on her shoulder who's come through my ranks? This institution is for heroes, not little punks all screwed up in the head because their mommies and daddies didn't love them enough. But you're in my corps now, and I will not see you disrespect the men and women who made the Marines great!

Megan Leavey: You think I'm afraid of you? Okay. I am afraid of you. But don't think I can't make you afraid of me, too.

Megan Leavey: Gunny, how do I become a dog handler?
Gunny Martin: You?
Megan Leavey: Yeah. What do I have to do exactly?
Gunny Martin: For starters, you need to stop screwing up. Then, you'll need an expert rifle score, above 90% on all your exams, a first class PFT, and you know who gets those things? People who aren't full of shit.

Gunny Martin: They aren't pets. They aren't even dogs anymore. They're warriors, and they come back with all the same issues we do.

Bob: Baby, I know that you feel like you lost everything. I know what that feels like. But the thing is, you gotta keep living.
Megan Leavey: I am living.
Bob: No, you're not. This isn't living. You gotta figure out what it would take to make it worth it.
Megan Leavey: Rex would be worth it.

Bob: There are a few people in life, not many, that you gotta find a way for. If you needed something, I would do whatever it took, not because I'm any kind of great dad, but because how I love you is stronger than what I'm not. I want you to be a person who shows up for work, for your friends' funerals, for life.
Megan Leavey: I've tried, I failed.
Bob: So fail again. And just keep failing until they're tossing dirt on your corpse. Baby, all you gotta do is fight, and you know how to fight. You're a frickin' Marine.

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