18 февр. 2023 г.

The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)

Steven Murphy: Nice watch.
Matthew Williams: Thanks.
Steven Murphy: What's the water resistance?
Matthew Williams: 200 meters.
Steven Murphy: And it's got a date display?
Matthew Williams: Yes, it does.
Steven Murphy: I might have gone for a metal strap instead of a leather strap.
Matthew Williams: Really?
Steven Murphy: Yes. I think I'd prefer a metal strap. I've had this one for years. It's as good as new.
Matthew Williams: What's the water resistance?
Steven Murphy: 100 meters.
Matthew Williams: How long have you had it?
Steven Murphy: Nine years. A little bored of it, actually. I've been thinking of getting a new one for quite a while now.

Kim Murphy: When did you start smoking?
Martin: About eight months ago. I was over at a friend's place. It was a party, actually. And this girl offered me a cigarette and I said, "Why not," and lit up. That was a mistake. I regret it. But it's too late now. I'm addicted.
Bob Murphy: Can you show me the hair under your arms?

Martin: Bob will die. Kim will die. Your wife will die. They will all get sick and die. One: paralysis of the limbs. Two: refusal of food to the point of starvation. Three: bleeding from the eyes. Four: death. One, two, three, four. Don't worry, you won't get sick. You've just gotta stay calm, that's all.

Martin: Uh, one more thing. I'll be very quick. You only have a few days to decide who to kill. Once stage three kicks in, you remember what stage three is? It's bleeding from the eyes, that's stage three. Once the bleeding happens, it's only a matter of hours before they die. Okay, there. I have nothing more to say. Unless you've-- Unless you've any questions.

Steven Murphy: A surgeon never kills a patient. An anesthesiologist can kill a patient but a surgeon never can.

Martin: I don't know if what is happening is fair, but... it's the only thing I can think of that's close to justice.

Anna Murphy: Can it be considered his mistake?
Matthew Williams: Yes. It wasn't mine, that's for sure. You know an anesthesiologist is never to blame for the bad outcome of an operation. The surgeon is always responsible.

Anna Murphy: You have beautiful hands. I never noticed before. Everyone's been telling me lately what beautiful hands you have, and now I can see for myself. Nice and clean. But so what if they're beautiful? They're lifeless... Sometimes, Steven, you're just an incompetent man who goes on and on saying stupid things like “Let's do a scan. Let's do an ultrasound. Let's wear brown socks. Let's make mashed potatoes. Let's go to the beach house."

Steven Murphy: So, what do you suggest? Tell me. No, wait. I know, I've got it. There is a way we can put a stop to all this. All we need to do is find the tooth of a baby crocodile, the blood of a pigeon and the pubes of a virgin. And then we just have to burn them all before sunset. Let me see. Do we have any spare teeth lying around? Teeth? Pubes? No, nothing here!...

Martin: Sometimes, I think you're naive. But you can't be naïve. You're a man of science. You can't be an idiot. But, if I'd only just met you, I would seriously question your depth of judgment.

Steven Murphy: Do you especially like one of them more than the other? If you had to choose between them, which would say is the best?

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