3 февр. 2023 г.

Armageddon Time (2022)

Paul Graff: Hey, Grandpa?
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: What?
Paul Graff: Today, when you said the spaghetti was bloody worms, what did you mean?
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: Oh, that. Well, my mother, you know, when we came over here, uh, to America, through Ellis Island, uh, they served spaghetti there on Ellis Island. And my mother thought it was, uh, worms. She said, "Ach, they just... worms, bloody worms." So she wouldn't have it in the house.
Paul Graff: Yeah, I could see that. But then why'd she come here?
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: 'Cause they wanted to kill her. That's why.
Paul Graff: Who would?

Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: Uh... she was born and raised in a small town called Ostropil in, uh, the Ukraine. And her parents had a store there in the main street. It was a shop, and, uh... But there were troops of soldiers in the garrison who were drunk and Cossacks who were crazy, always were. And sometimes they'd go out looking for Jews. They'd say, "We're looking for the Jews." And one night, they rode into the town, and, um, they broke into her parents' store, and, uh, they stabbed both of them for no reason. They stabbed both of them to death right there in front of my mama, and, uh... She was a young girl. She was 15, 16. She told me she had nightmares about it as long as she lived. She said you should never, ever forget the past because you never know when they may come looking for you. And she... she was right.

Esther Graff: Well, you're not to associate with him again.
Paul Graff: What do you mean? Why?
Esther Graff: I think you know what I mean.
Paul Graff: You mean 'cause he's Black?
Esther Graff: S-Stop it.
Paul Graff: I hung out with him last year, too, if you care.
Esther Graff: Stop it!... It's not 'cause he's Black. All right, he could be green or purple or orange, for all I care...

Fred Trump: What's your name?
Paul Graff: Paul... Graff.
Fred Trump: Graff? What kind of name is Graff?
Paul Graff: Well, it was originally Greizerstein.
Fred Trump: Well, since you're new here, Mr., uh, Greizerstein, you should know we have a tradition here...

Principal Sebell: Before we hear from our guest, a special thanks to her father, who is leading the fundraising drive for our new library. The Trump family is our family! So, Fred, please stand up, would you? Fred Trump, everyone.

Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: And, uh... what do you do when that happens? Come on, tell me.
Paul Graff: Obviously nothing, of course.
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: "Nothing, of course." Yeah. You think that's funny? You think that's smart? Well, I'll tell you what I think. I think that's a crock of old horseshit. I said a bad word. You got a problem with that? Tough. I'm gonna tell you. Now, you got to do something. You got to say something, okay? Do you know why? 'Cause you're on the ball. Right? Come on, man. You were raised better than that. Jesus Christ. I'm going to tell you something. I've learned over the years, those bastards who say all that crap and garbage to your face will then say the same stuff behind your back. And they'll shove a knife straight in your gut. And they'll smile as they do it. Fuck 'em. Yeah, I said another bad word. You remember one thing. Next time those schmucks say anything bad about those Black kids or those Hispanics, you be a mensch to those kids, okay? They never had your advantage. Give me a handshake. You're gonna be a mensch, okay?

Irving Graff: Listen to me. ... It's unfair, and-and I know it hurts you. But life is unfair. Sometimes, some people get a raw deal. And I hate that. It's-it's-it's the worst thing in the world. It's... But you have to survive. So... all you can do now is-is you make the most of your break and do not look back.

Irving Graff: I don't know, maybe I've not done a good job. I'm not your grandfather. I don't know... I don't know how to... But I-I-I learned a long time ago you got to be thankful... when you're given a leg up.

Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: It's hard to fight, isn't it?
Paul Graff: I tried.
Grandpa Aaron Rabinowitz: How do you think you did?... I'm sorry about your friend, kid. I guess you let him down. But you keep trying. Don't ever give in to those bastards. Never give in, jelly bean.

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