20 февр. 2023 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 5×10

Lucas Bankole: I hate this world. I love you, though.

Commander Lawrence: She had a choice, Commander. She had 1,000 choices.
Nick Blain: She's fighting for her daughter.
Commander Lawrence: Yeah? This is what happens in a fight. Everyone gets bloody. Everyone. That you know to be true, Commander.

Mark Tuello: I will do everything I can.
Nick Blain: That's not good enough. Gilead wants her to suffer. They'll keep coming for her, then her family... and they won't stop. So I need to know that you'll protect her. I need to know you'll keep her safe.
Mark Tuello: I will do everything I can.

Naomi Putnam: ... And remember. Angela's my daughter. To say anything else, to suggest, is heresy. You could lose your tongue.
Janine: I only wish to serve, Mrs. Putnam.
Naomi Putnam: And remember, this is a trial period.

June Osborn: Luke... We have to run.

June Osborn: We waited last time, and we waited too long. And we didn't see how much they hated us. I lost you. And then we lost Hannah.

June Osborn: It's changing. Luke... this country is changing.
Lucas Bankole: No. Canada's not Gilead.
June Osborn: America wasn't Gilead, until it was and then, it was too fucking late. Luke, we have to go. We have to run. Now.

Lucas Bankole: I love you, June Osborne.

Rose Blain: You will never let go of her, will you?
Nick Blain: I try. I really... tried. But I can't.

June Osborn: We're going on an adventure... You know that? We're going to a beautiful island where the sky is blue and the water is clear. It's called Hawaii. It's your country and you're gonna love it.

Serena Joy Waterford: Hi, June.
June Osborn: Hi, Serena.
Serena Joy Waterford: ... You got a diaper?

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