19 февр. 2023 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 5×9

Commander Lawrence: Okay. So, basically, it's a quid pro quo. You need security. I need to represent traditional Gilead values. So you can move in here with the kid if you want.
Naomi Putnam: ....
Aunt Lydia: As his new Wife and child. A sacred union, of course.
Naomi Putnam: This is a marriage proposal?
Commander Lawrence: Yep. Yep. So, what do you say?
Naomi Putnam: I have a choice?
Commander Lawrence: That's hurtful.

Aunt Lydia: Mrs. Putnam, a Wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry whom she chooses. Only in the Lord. First Corinthians.
Commander Lawrence: And who doesn't love Corinthians? Especially First Corinthians.

June Osborn: Why would you let me do that?
Commander Lawrence: Hannah's a symbol now. And like it or not, so are you. So after last night, it would be even more effective if June Osborne chose to return to Gilead...

June Osborn: Then go fuck yourself!

Alanis Wheeler: Who do you think you are?
Serena Joy Waterford: I am Mrs. Fredrick Waterford.
Alanis Wheeler: To me you're just a whore.

June Osborn: Fuck them. Fuck them, Mark. You know how we honor those soldiers? We do not stop fighting. No matter what they throw at us, we don't stop. Not for one fucking second. So what's next? What do we do now?

Serena Joy Waterford: My late husband and I, God rest his soul, we tried for many years to conceive. There was a lot of heartache and disappointment. So I do understand the yearning for a child. But Gilead helped a lot. Clean water, clean air, scrubbing all of those horrible toxins out of the environment, and above all, a devotion to God. And living by the highest of moral standards. So, you follow Gilead's path in Toronto, then perhaps you too could be blessed with a child of your own.

June Osborn: Well, this is a fine mess, isn't it?
Nick Blain: And the world's a mess.
June Osborn: Yeah. You know what I wish, though? I wish the world would just go away. Just for a little bit.

Commander Dupar: ... Not to mention, we've strengthened our alliances. The ambassadors from China, Russia and North Korea have all congratulated us for sticking it to the Americans.
Commander Mackenzie: Well, I guess we're playing with the big boys now.
Commander Lawrence: Yeah, what's the old saying? "Any club that would have me as a member..."

June Osborn: Hi, Emma. Can I help you? Say it with me? Okay. Ready? "I pledge allegiance to the Flag..."
— "Of the United States of America..."
June Osborn: "...and to the Republic for which it stands..."
— "One nation under God, indivisible..."
June Osborn: — "With liberty and justice..."

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