30 янв. 2023 г.

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

Picard: I'm about to commit a direct violation of our orders. Any of you who wish to object should do so now. It will be noted in my log.....
Data: Captain, I believe I speak for everyone here, sir, when I say to hell with our orders.

Troi: Will, I think we have to tell him the truth.
Riker: If we tell the truth, the timeline...
Troi: Timeline? This is no time to argue about time. We don't have the time. What was I saying?

Troi: If you're looking for my professional opinion as ship's counselor, he's nuts.

Data: Captain, I believe I am feeling anxiety. It is an intriguing sensation. A most distracting...
Picard: Data, I'm sure it's a fascinating experience, but perhaps you should deactivate your emotion chip for now.
Data: Good idea, sir... Done.
Picard: Data, there are times that I envy you.

Data: Your efforts to break the encryption codes will not be successful. Nor will your attempts to assimilate me into your collective.
Borg Queen: Brave words. I've heard them before, from thousands of species across thousands of worlds since long before you were created. But now, they are all Borg.

Data: I am unlike any life-form you have encountered before. The codes stored in my neural net cannot be forcibly removed.
Borg Queen: You are an imperfect being created by an imperfect being. Finding your weakness is only a matter of time.

Zefram Cochrane: Why not?

Picard: Jean-Luc Picard... My name. That's my name. What's yours?

Zefram Cochrane: Statue?
Geordi: Oh, yeah! It's marble, about 20 meters tall, and you're looking up at the sky, and your hand's sort of reaching toward the future.
Zefram Cochrane: I gotta take a leak.
Geordi: Leak? I'm not detecting any leak.
Zefram Cochrane: Don't you people from the 24th century ever pee?
Geordi: Leak! I get it.

Lily: Watch your caboose, Dix.
Picard: I intend to.

Data: Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind.
Borg Queen: Small words from a small being trying to attack what he doesn't understand.

Borg Queen: Go ahead, Data. We won't stop you. Do it. Don't be tempted by flesh.

Borg Queen: Are you familiar with physical forms of pleasure?
Data: If you are referring to sexuality, I am fully functional, programmed in multiple techniques.
Borg Queen: How long has it been since you've used them?
Data: Eight years, seven months, 16 days, four minutes, 22...
Borg Queen: Far too long.

Zefram Cochrane: Please! Don't tell me it's all thanks to me. I've heard enough about the great Zefram Cochrane. I don't know who writes your history books or where you get your information from, but you people got some pretty funny ideas about me. You all look at me as if I'm some kind of saint or visionary or something.
Riker: I don't think you're a saint, Doc, but you did have a vision. And now we're sitting in it.
Zefram Cochrane: You wanna know what my vision is? Dollar signs. Money. I didn't build this ship to usher in a new era for humanity. You think I want to go to the stars? I don't even like to fly! I take trains! I built this ship so that I could retire to some tropical island filled with naked women. That's Zefram Cochrane! That's his vision!

Riker: Someone once said, "Don't try to be a great man. Just be a man, and let history make its own judgments."
Zefram Cochrane: That's rhetorical nonsense. Who said that?
Riker: You did, 10 years from now.

Data: Resistance is futile.

Data: She brought me closer to humanity than I ever thought possible, and for a time, I was tempted by her offer.
Picard: How long a time?
Data: Zero-point-six-eight seconds, sir. For an android, that is nearly an eternity.

Picard: Mr. Data, lay in a course for the 24th century. I suspect our future is there waiting for us.
Data: Course laid in, sir.
Picard: Make it so.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

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