16 янв. 2023 г.

Glass (2019)

Patricia: You treat people who think they're comic book characters or something?

Dr. Ellie Staple: How long have you believed your dad was a superhero?

Dr. Ellie Staple: The power of true, loving, physical affection, it's like something supernatural. It's the lack of it that caused this, and only the true version of it can heal it.

Dr. Ellie Staple: How do you know who's good and who's bad, David? Convince me.

Elijah Price: I'm a comic book expert, Patricia. I believe comic books are a continuation of documentation that has gone on for centuries of what humans are capable of. That they are what someone somewhere saw or felt.

Elijah Price: Are you aware that spandex, the underwear on the outside, and boots come from strongmen in the circus in the 1930s?... The freak show men who could do incredible feats of strength.

Elijah Price: Everything extraordinary can be explained away, and yet it is true. ... Everything we will see and do will have a basis in science. But it will have limits. This is the real world, not a cartoon. And yet some of us don't die from bullets. Some of us can still bend steel. That is not a fantasy.

Patricia: What do we call you, sir?
Elijah Price: First name, "Mr." Last name, "Glass."

Elijah Price: You're nine forever, right?
Hedwig: Yeah.
Elijah Price: That's incredible. You can see the world the way it really is. Always. Kid who can never grow old...

Elijah Price: You might want to try and stop us[, David]. Today is your coming-out party. At least you know what to wear.

Casey Cooke: Did you know the first Superman couldn't even fly? And Metropolis is actually New York City.

Elijah Price: The classic turn. The enemy becomes the ally because of the hero's unflinching sense of good.

Dr. Ellie Staple: They got it wrong in the comics. They talk about secret evil groups trying to stop the heroes. I don't think we are particularly evil, and we don't choose sides. We try to stop both of you. If there is one of you, the opposite of you appears. It escalates. We step in. There just can't be gods amongst us. It's not fair.

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