14 окт. 2022 г.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Vulcan master: This consciousness calling to you from space... It touches your human blood, Spock. You have not achieved Kolinahr. His answer lies elsewhere. He will not achieve his goal with us.

Vulcan master: Live long and prosper, Spock.

Capt. James T. Kirk: Mr. Scott, an alien object of unbelievable destructive power is less than three days away from this planet. The only starship in interception range is the Enterprise. Ready or not, she launches in 12 hours.

Capt. James T. Kirk: Bones, there's a thing out there.
Dr. McCoy: Why is any object we don't understand always called a "thing"?

Capt. James T. Kirk: Thrusters ahead, Mr. Sulu. Take us out.

Dr. McCoy: Spock, you haven't changed a bit. You're just as warm and sociable as ever.
Spock: Nor have you, Doctor, as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

Spock: On Vulcan I began sensing a consciousness from a source more powerful than I have ever encountered. Thought patterns of exactingly, perfect order. I believe they emanate from the intruder. I believe it may hold my answers.
Dr. McCoy: Well, isn't it lucky for you that we just happened to be heading your way?

Decker: Why are you opposed to trying?
Spock: Why bring us inside? Not to destroy us. They could have done that outside.
Decker: They still can.
Spock: Curiosity, Mr Decker. Insatiable curiosity.

Capt. James T. Kirk: Why does V'Ger travel to the third planet of the solar system directly ahead?
Ilia: To find the Creator.
Capt. James T. Kirk: Find the Creator? Whose... What does V'Ger want with the Creator?
Ilia: To join with him.
Spock: To join with the Creator? How?
Ilia: V'Ger and the Creator will become one.
Spock: And who is the Creator?
Ilia: The Creator is that which created V'Ger.
Capt. James T. Kirk: Who is V'Ger?
Ilia: V'Ger is that which seeks the Creator.

Ilia: Why does Enterprise require the presence of carbon units?
Decker: Enterprise would be unable to function without carbon units.
Ilia: More data concerning this functioning is necessary, before carbon units can be patterned for data storage.
Decker: What does that mean?
Ilia: When my examination is complete all carbon units will be reduced to data patterns.

Decker: Jim, V'Ger expects an answer.
Capt. James T. Kirk: An answer? I don't know the question.

Capt. James T. Kirk: A child?
Spock: Yes, Captain. A child. Evolving, learning, searching, instinctively needing.

Dr. McCoy: Now what do you suggest we do? Spank it?
Spock: It knows only that it needs, Commander, but like so many of us, it does not know what.

Capt. James T. Kirk: V-G-E-R. V'Ger. V-O-Y-A-G-E-R. Voyager! Voyager VI!
Decker: NASA. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Jim, this was launched more than 300 years ago. Voyager series, designed to collect data and transmit it back to Earth.

Capt. James T. Kirk: Mr. Sulu, ahead warp 1.
Sulu: Warp 1, sir. Heading, sir?
Capt. James T. Kirk: Out there. Thataway.

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