27 окт. 2022 г.

The Lost City (2022)

Beth Hatten: She is our new social media manager. And she's gonna be helping us target that younger demographic.
Allison: Meaning women in their 30s who wish they were in their 20s.

Loretta Sage: Well, being a sapiosexual--
Alan: Oh, is that when they do the snakes around the...
Loretta Sage: No. That's someone who finds, uh, intellect or intelligence, uh, very sexy, you know.
Alan: Same.

Alan: You want to know who else is stuck in the past? You are. You're so afraid of life hurting you again that you've stopped living.

Abigail Fairfax: Don't worry. That's just our final descent. But it is the beginning of the greatest adventure of your life.

Alan: I can help. Let me help.
Jack Trainer: Stay close. Stay alive.

Loretta Sage: Why are you so handsome?
Jack Trainer: My dad was a weatherman.

Alan: Maybe we shouldn't be just staring lovingly into each other's eyes like you're gonna fall in love like I'm not here.

Loretta Sage: Don't panic.
Alan: What do you mean, don't panic?
Loretta Sage: Just don't panic.
Alan: No. Stop saying "panic." I'm panicking now.

Jack Trainer: We only use 10% of our brain, so I just switched to another 10%.
Alan: So, you're okay?
Jack Trainer: One hundred percent. Meaning 10%.

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