20 окт. 2022 г.

What's for Dinner?

Severance 1×8

Dylan: Is she gonna make it?
Mark: She's gonna make it.
Irving: Mark.
Mark: Yes?
Irving: Don't laugh.
Mark: At?
Irving: I just wonder if it might be helpful for us to stand behind her and perhaps chant her name...

Harmony Cobel: Mark, all sarcasm aside...
Mark: Yeah.
Harmony Cobel: Thank you.

Ms. Casey: My life has been 107 hours long. Most of that has been these half-hour sessions. For me, my favorite time was the eight hours I spent in your department watching Helly. It's the longest I've ever been awake. I suppose it's what you could call my good old days.

Ms. Casey: Why do you care what happens to me?
Mark: Because we're people, not parts of people. Even with what little they gave us, these are our lives. No one gets to just turn you off.

Mark: "Our job... is to taste free air. Your so-called boss may own the clock that taunts you from the wall. But, my..."
Dylan: "But, my friends, the hour is yours." Page 197 slaps.

Irving: Okay, kids. Let's find out what's for dinner...

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