9 июн. 2022 г.

The One with the Birth Mother

Friends 10×9

Rachel: Ross, please trust me. I buy 30 fashion magazines a month. Now, I don't know who's running for president or who that NATO guy is... but I do know that you have to get far away from that hat.

Phoebe: So she took some fries. Big deal.
Joey: Hey, look, it's not about a few fries. It's about what the fries represent.
Phoebe: What?
Joey: All food!

Rachel: But, I mean, come on, look at this. Look at this sweater. I mean, this is just beautiful.
Ross: Wow, this is really soft... Three hundred and fifty dollars!?
Rachel: Down from 700. You're saving like 200 bucks.
Ross: Both logic and math are taking a serious hit today.

Erica: Reverend, can I ask? Does the Bible say anything about adoption?
Monica: It says, "Do it..." "And behold, she did adopt unto them a baby. And it was good."
Erica: Wow.
Chandler: Yeah, wow.

Chandler: My wife's an incredible woman. She is loving, and devoted and caring. And don't tell her I said this, but the woman's always right.

Chandler: It kills me that I can't give her a baby... I really want a kid. And when that day finally comes, I'll learn how to be a good dad. But my wife... she's already there. She's a mother... without a baby. Please?

Chandler: You still want that baby?
Monica: God bless you, Chandler Bing!

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