20 авг. 2020 г.

They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969)

Rocky: Read it and then sign. For the benefit of the first-timers, we go around the clock, and around and around and around. Ten-minute break every two hours.

Rocky: In a couple of hours, we fling open the magic doors of fame and fortune, so line up and get your number.

Gloria: He's gonna break an arch.
Rocky: Dig him up a pair of shoes. Or maybe you'd rather wait for the Prince of Wales.
Gloria: Have I got a choice?
Rocky: Yeah. Take it or leave it.

Rocky: Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah!

Rocky: Welcome to the dance of destiny, ladies and gentlemen. Around and around and around we go, and we're only beginning, folks. Only beginning! On and on and on and on and when will it stop? When will it end? When? Only when the last two of these wonderful, starry-eyed kids are left. Only when the last two dancers stagger and sway, stumble and swoon, across the sea of defeat and despair to victory. One couple, and only one, will waltz out of here, over broken bodies and broken dreams, carrying the grand prize of 1,500 silver dollars.

Robert: So why California?
Gloria: You don't freeze while you're starving.

Gloria: You in movies, too?
Robert: Sort of. I was a dead French villager in "Fallen Angels."

Gloria: When's the baby due?
Ruby: Don't know.
Gloria: What'd the doctor say?
Ruby: Well, see, James and me been hitchin', ridin' in boxcars.
Gloria: Nature's little miracle. Christ. Why-- What's the use of having a kid unless you got enough dough to take care of it?
Ruby: Folks can't stop having babies 'cause they don't got no money.
Gloria: You intend to keep it?
Ruby: I could never get... Jimmy wants the baby.
Gloria: Yeah. Why not drop another sucker into this mess?

Sailor: You know what I'd do if I was your age? I'd join up all over again... the fleet.
Robert: No, I don't think I'd like that. I'd like to be able to move on if I got bored or something, you know?
Sailor: Bumming? That's all right for a while. But a man's gotta belong somewhere. You know, be part of something. I mean, that's human nature, right?
Robert: I guess I never really thought about it much.
Sailor: Yeah, well, you will. When you get to be my age, you will.

Rocky: You hear that, folks? After four days of continuous dancing, these boys and girls may not be well-heeled, but you can bet they're well-stuffed. Ten minute's time is all they have to eat it in, and they must keep moving, they must keep dancing at all times... The food is prepared in our own kitchens by our own culinary experts, at great expense to the management, but they believe that these boys and girls should be well-fed. Keep eating, kiddies. Keep dancing. Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah!

Robert: Suppose we did win. What would you do with it?
Gloria: What? With what?
Robert: The money.
Gloria: Maybe I'd buy some good rat poison.

Rocky: Now, you kids who are pros already know how it works I'm sure the rest of you have all heard about it. And now-- now you're going to see it! Yowsah! The derby! The supreme-- the supreme test of energy and endurance. Ten solid, wrenching minutes of rack and ruin-- the derby! Because you're in for an exciting extravaganza.

Rocky: Yowsah, the derby. And, if I may be permitted to share a thought with you, there's a lesson for all of us in this, ladies and gents. Contestants, if you hear me back there... you don't need to be number one as you amble down life's highway... but don't be last! Round and round and round they'll go for ten little minutes. Who will set the pace? Who will win the race? Everybody excepting the last three couples!

Rocky: The management cautions that no wagering is permitted, but you can always cheer on your favorite couple, and believe me, these wonderful kids deserve your cheers, because each one of them is fighting down pain, exhaustion, weariness, struggling to keep going, battling to win, and isn't that the American way?

Robert: But why?
Rocky: For the good of the show. That's what we're all interested in, isn't it? The show.
Robert: No, it's a contest. Isn't that what it's supposed to be? Isn't that what you advertised? A contest.
Rocky: Not for them. For you maybe, but not for them. You think they're laying out two bits a throw just to watch you poke your head up into the sunlight? Or Alice look like she just stepped out of a beauty parlor? They don't give a damn whether you win or James and Ruby or Mario and Jackie or the Man in the Moon and Little Miss Muffet. They just want to see a little misery out there so they can feel a little better, maybe. They're entitled to that.
Robert: Look at us. We're all like this now. Dirty, swollen feet, no sleep. What do you want? Isn't that enough?
Rocky: Sure, as long as they can believe in it.

Rocky: Yowsah! One thousand hours of continuous dancing. Forty-two days of grueling, grinding, gravity-defying gyration, and here they still are. Twenty-one courageous couples still dancing. And how long before one of them, and just one, will survive to win the monster marathon?

Mario: You wanna talk?
Gloria: No.
Mario: Wanna move on the other side?
Gloria: No.
Mario: Sleep?
Gloria: No.
Mario: What the hell do you want?... Anyone ever tell you you're--
Gloria: Yeah, they told me.

Rocky: We're going to miss you, Shirl. Isn't that right, folks? So long, Shirl, but don't despair. Every heart in this room is with you, and that's what really counts. It's hard on all of us, after we've lived all these hours and weeks together, to see one of these wonderful, courageous kids fallout. But life goes on, and so does the marathon! Three minutes left! Three minutes of harrowing, heart-breaking hustle! Yowsah!

Rocky: Over 1,200 hours of continuous dancing, and yet there they still are, fighting, struggling to stay in the race But the last three couples will lose The last three couples will be eliminated! Yowsah, yowsah!

Rocky: Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl! That's the story of our sweetheart couple-- Gloria Beatty and Robert Siverton! Yowsah, yowsah, yowsah! Now, I'm no Hollywood scenario writer, but I know what the end of this story should be. Right, Robert? Right, Gloria? ....
Gloria: Wrong.

Rocky: Do you wanna come out of this with a couple hundred bucks or don't you?
Gloria: The winners get 750 apiece.
Rocky: Right, less the bills.
Gloria: What bills?
Rocky: Look, this marathon don't run itself, you know. I got bills stacked up every day. And I keep tabs. You kids cost me money. Extra laundry, cleaning, phone calls, medical bills, you name it...
Gloria: What is this?
Rocky: The tabs on you and Robert.
Gloria: You're charging me this?
Rocky: Only if you win. If you don't win, you don't pay. I'm not out to cheat anybody.

Robert: Gloria, we have to get back.
Gloria: What the hell's the point?

Robert: I used to love to look at the ocean... walk by it, just sit and listen to it. Now I don't care if I ever see it again. That... or anything else.

Robert: What are you gonna do?
Gloria: I'm gonna get off this merry-go-round. I'm so sick of the whole stinking thing.
Robert: What thing?
Gloria: Life. And don't give me no sunshine lectures.
Robert: I wasn't going to.

Robert: Tell me when.
Gloria: I'm ready.
Robert: Now?
Gloria: Now.

Policeman 1: Why did you do it, kid?
Robert: She asked me to.
Policeman 2: Obliging bastard. Is that the only reason you got, kid?
Robert: They shoot horses, don't they?

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