30 авг. 2020 г.

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Atto: Don't think because I grew up without running water... I am simple, General. I do know something about history. See all this? It's simply shaping tomorrow. A tomorrow without a lot of Arkansas white boys' ideas in it.
Garrison: Well, I wouldn't know about that. I'm from Texas.
Atto: Mr. Garrison, I think you shouldn't have come here. This is civil war. This is our war. Not yours.
Garrison: 300,000 dead and counting. That's not a war, Mr. Atto. That's genocide.

Todd Blackburn: That's a nice beach down there. How's the water?
Durant: Yeah, it's nice and warm. And it's loaded with sharks.

Pilla: Eversmann, you really like the skinnies?
Eversmann: It's not that I like them or I don't like them. I respect them.
Pilla: See, what you guys fail to realize is the sergeant is a bit of an idealist. He believes in this mission down to his bones. Don't you, Sergeant?
Eversmann: Look, these people, they have no jobs... No food, no education, no future. I just figure that, I mean, we have two things that we can do. We can help... Or we can sit back and watch the country destroy itself on CNN. Right?
Kurth: I don't know about you guys, but I was trained to fight. Are you trained to fight, Sergeant?
Eversmann: Well, I think I was trained to make a difference, Kurth.

Matthews: What's the matter, Danny? Something you don't like?
McKnight: No Spectre gunships, daylight instead of night... Afternoon when they're all fucked up on khat... Only part of the city Aidid can mount a counter-attack on short notice.... What's not to like?
Harell: Life's imperfect.
McKnight: For you two, circling above it at 500 feet, it's imperfect. Down in the street, it's unforgiving.

Eversmann: You know, it's kind of funny. Beautiful beach, beautiful sun. Could almost be a good place to visit...
Hoot: Almost.
Eversmann: You don't think we should be here.
Hoot: You know what I think? It don't really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that shit... Just goes right out the window.
Eversmann: I just want to do it right today.
Hoot: Just watch your corner. Get all your men back here alive.

Pilla: Colonel, they're shooting at us! Colonel, they're shooting at us!
McKnight: Well, shoot back!

Aidid: That's right. None of you Americans smoke anymore. You all live long, dull, uninteresting lives.

Durant: What do you want with me?
Aidid: You have taken hostages. We have you.
Durant: My government will never negotiate for me.
Aidid: Then perhaps you and I can negotiate, huh? Soldier to soldier.
Durant: I'm not in charge.
Aidid: Course not. You have the power to kill, but not negotiate.

Aidid: In Somalia, killing is negotiation. Do you really think if you get General Aidid... We will simply put down our weapons... And adopt American democracy? That the killing will stop? We know this: Without victory, there can be no peace. There will always be killing, you see? This is how things are in our world.

Garrison: No one gets left behind.

Hoot: See, you're thinking. Don't. Because, Sergeant, you can't control who gets hit or who doesn't. Who falls out of a chopper or why. It ain't up to you. It's just war.

Hoot: When I go home... And people ask me: "Hey, Hoot, why do you do it, man? "Why? You some kind of war junkie?" I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand it's about the men next to you. And that's it. That's all it is.

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