5 авг. 2020 г.

Complete Unknown (2016)

Tilda: People can still change.
Sharon: Their behavior maybe, but not who they are.
Tilda: At least people still recognize that they have room to improve.
Ramina: Yeah, I think everyone wants to be a better person.
Sharon: This is not about improvement. This is about running away.
Alice Manning: I wouldn't call it that.
Sharon: I'm sorry, what would you call it?
Alice Manning: Making a change.
Sharon: Right, but wherever you go there you are. Isn't that what they say?
Alice Manning: I think that's what people tell themselves when they don't have the courage to change.

Tom: You know what I do for a living? Basically, I write emails. I've spent the last 13 years... suggesting guidelines. Which honestly, I get almost nothing out of. Almost, which is, in a way, worse than nothing... because you think if you just hold on... and shift one little thing... you can... I feel like... you know, if I leave... basically, I've failed. Mm, anyway, what else am I gonna do, sell insurance?
Alice Manning: I sold insurance.

Alice Manning: Keeping track isn't the hard part. It's when everyone around you... thinks they know who you are... and they try to lay claim to you and... then you're trapped. That's the hard part.

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