3 авг. 2013 г.


& Richter: The snipers could take us out at any point, General.
    MacArthur: Fellers?
    Fellers: Sir, the Emperor rallied his people in ways that were unimaginable only a month ago. He did so by ordering them to surrender without ever using the word “surrender.” He simply asked that they “endure the unendurable.” And I do not doubt their allegiance to him, nor to his order to surrender, sir.

& MacArthur: Now, let’s show them some good old-fashioned American swagger.

& Fellers: So he does bear responsibility for starting the war?
    Konoe: It’s not a black and white issue, General.

& Konoe: Yes, we seized territory in China, but did not Great Britain, even Portugal, precede us? Yes, we took Singapore and the Malaya, but we took it from the British. We did not take the Philippines from the Filipinos, but from the Americans, who themselves took it from the Spanish. If it is an international crime to take territory by force, who convicted... the British, French, Dutch, and American leaders? Nobody.

& Fellers: Revenge is not the same thing as justice.

& Kajima: You should add that its roots are in religious traditions and can be traced back to Shinto. If you understand devotion, you will understand Japan. There are two Japanese words you should know. “Tatemae,” the way things appear, “honne,” the way they really are. When you look at Japan, you see the most modern and Westernized of Asian countries, but that is a tatemae, the surface.
    Fellers: And the honne?
    Kajima: It is the true heartbeat of my country, which is more than 2,000 years old. It has nothing to do with the West. Japan runs on the ancient warrior code of loyalty and obedience.

& MacArthur: I’ve never met an emperor before, much less a god. What the hell do you say to a god?

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Σ How it really was.

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