Mom: Because, Rodrick, this is a family event, and like it or not, you’re part of the Heffley family.
Dad: Yeah. That and we already paid for your ticket.
& Fregley: Hey, guys! Anyone for pizza? ... You know, I can’t believe people leave perfectly good food just lying around. I’ll save that for later.
& Rowley: Hey, I was thinking we should enter the talent show. I could do my magic act and you could be my assistant.
Greg: Assistant? No way. Doing magic tricks is bad enough. Assisting the guy doing the tricks? I’d never make it to eighth grade.
& Greg: Mom, from now on, I’ll be 100% honest. ... Well, that lasted about a week. Mom somehow didn’t appreciate the completely honest version of me.
Mom: Happy birthday, Grandpa!
Grandpa: Next year, I want a chocolate cake.
Greg: That is, if you’re alive next year.
Mom: Greg!
Greg: Honesty, Mom!
& Greg: Don’t you understand? Rodrick isn’t beating me up anymore.
Rowley: But how are they not going to notice that the lock’s gone?
Greg: Please. They’re like 40. They can barely remember our names.
& Rodrick: It’s about time, little bro, that you learn the secrets to an easy life.
- Rule number one, don’t be good at something you don’t want to do. ...
- Rule number two, always lower Mom and Dad’s expectations.
- Rule number three, never do something when someone else can do it for you.
& Greg: Grandpa doesn’t like TV. Instead, he prefers to watch the lobby on the security channel. ... Please, Grandpa. Please, can we watch a real TV show now?
Grandpa: TV is just a bunch of fakers. This is real life. It’s real life. You can’t beat it.
& Greg: How’s about we all go down to the games room?
Grandpa: You boys like games, don’t you?
Greg: The games room sounds fun... until you realize that all the games in there are from, like, the 1800s. My grandpa’s favorite is a really old board game called Gutbusters.
Grandpa: Now, remember, the object of the game is to read the joke card... and all the other players have to try not to laugh. Good luck! There is some real rib-ticklers in there!
Rodrick: Yeah. You go first.
Greg: “Putting economic policy before fiscal responsibility... is like putting the cart before the horse”...
Rodrick: ... That is hilarious, Grandpa!
+ quotes on the Imdb.
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