3 февр. 2010 г.

Saw VI

* John:
Live or die, William. Make your choice.
Let the game begin.

* William: When people come to us for coverage, we have to analyze each person for the probability of success.
   John: How do you do that?
   William: Well, it's a formula. It's pretty complicated, actually, but, in essence, it breaks down to monthly payments multiplied by lifespan minus the probability of illness. And if the sum is positive, we consider coverage.
   John: Who devised that formula?
   William: Me.
   John: So, in a sense, you choose who lives or dies.
   William: No. I... No, I'd say I decide which people have the potential to live long, healthy lives.
   John: But you're not taking into consideration the most important human element of all. The will to live. Until a person is faced with death, it's impossible to tell whether they have what it takes to survive.

* John: Dr. Gordon is a specialist. You know, he's making money on his specialty. He's not a thinker. I mean, the man has his hand on the doorknob half the time that I'm there.

* John: Did you know that in the Far East, people pay their doctors when they're healthy? When they're sick, they don't have to pay them. So, basically, they end up paying for what they want, not what they don't want.

* Jill: They're addicts, John. Recovery is a process.
   John: Maybe addiction's just part of human nature. But what about these people, Jill, who come here every day and use you? They bide their time. They're avoiding prison sentences. They're getting hooked on masking agents. Do you call that recovery?
   Jill: It's not that simple.
   John: Addiction is not simple, Jill! Wake up! These people have no respect for the lives that they're destroying. Once you see death up close, then you know what the value of life is. And that's my way.

* John: Here is your first test.
   Your health and hereditary background put you in the highest category of success. However, the same cannot be said for your adversary. While only 52 years of age, this man has continued to smoke even though he has a history of high blood pressure and heart disease. This demonstrates very little appreciation for the blessings of his own life. {...}

* William: It's not my game!..

--- Словарик:
bide — жить, проживать
hereditary — передаваемый по наследству, наследственный, наследуемый
doorknob — (шарообразная) ручка двери

6.3/10 на Imdb (> 12,500 голосов по состоянию на 2/2/10). На самом деле, фильм заслуживает большего; настоящая Пила!

! Ждем 7-ую.

~ Википедия в помощь тому кто забыл или запутался в перепетиях.

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