21 февр. 2010 г.

Legend of the Seeker 2x12


Season 2, Episode 12

* Zedd: After you... A wizard demonstrates the full majesty of his powers, and those dearest to him can't even manage an "ooh" or an "ah?"
   Richard: Thanks for moving the tree, Zedd.

* Cara: You know I kill people to protect Richard. Many. What does it matter why I do it, as long as I do it?
   Darken Rahl: Yes, the Seeker and his merry band are some of the Keeper's finest suppliers of souls.

* Darken Rahl: Do you understand the rules?
   Cara: If I keep killing, I stay alive.
   Darken Rahl: Only living people. No banelings. Their souls already belong to the Keeper. And you can't get ahead.
   Cara: Ahead?
   Darken Rahl: I'm sure it's occurred to you that you could kill six or seven irredeemable miscreants and stay healthy for a week at a time. But it doesn't work that way. Every time you kill, the clock begins to tick again.
   And don't think because you're Mord-Sith you will have a special advantage. As a baneling, you will no longer have the Breath of Life. You won't be able to kill someone, only to revive them.

--- Словарик:
irredeemable — безнадёжный; безысходный; непоправимый
miscreant — негодяй; злодей; подлец; испорченный, развращённый; подлый, низкий
revive — возрождаться, воскресать; пробуждаться; расцветать

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/ Пых-пых. А давайте убьём Кару? Давайте...

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