5 февр. 2010 г.

The Big Bang Theory 3x04

The Pirate Solution

Season 3, Episode 4

* Sheldon: This movie baffles me every time we watch it.
   Leonard: What do you mean?
   Sheldon: The instructions are very clear: "don't feed the gremlins after midnight," "don't get the gremlins wet." How hard is that?!

* Penny: Hi, guys. Hi, honey.
   Leonard: Hey.
   Howard: Ooh, we're "hoy" now, are we?
   Sheldon: Yes. Since their relationship became carnal, Penny has upgraded his designated term of endearment, thus distinguishing him from those she calls "sweetie," usually in an attempt to soften a thinly-veiled insult.
   Penny: You're boring people, sweetie.
   Sheldon: Although, sometimes, she omits the veil entirely.

* Penny: So, what are you guys doing?
   Howard: Celebrating Columbus day.
   Leonard: We're watching Goonies, Gremlins and Young Sherlock Holmes. They're all written by Chris Columbus.

* Leonard: So, wait, what have you been doing for the past six months?
   Raj: You know, checking e-mail, updating my Facebook status, messing up Wikipedia entries. Hey, did you know Netflix lets you stream movies on your computer now?
   Sheldon: And you've continued to take the university's money under false pretenses? Highly unethical for an astrophysicist. Although practically mandatory for a pirate.

* Sheldon: I got some extra money from the head of the department, and Raj can come work for me.
   Raj: You want me to work with you?
   Sheldon: For me. You're going to have to listen more careful when you're on the job.
   Raj: Ay, uh, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd rather swim buck-naked across the Ganges with a paper cut on my nipple and die a slow, agonizing death from a viral infection than work with you.
   Sheldon: For me.

* Raj: (knock at door) Sheldon, are you busy?
   Sheldon: ....... Of course I'm busy.
   Raj: Shall I wait?
   Sheldon: It would be a graceful. ............................ How may I help you?
   Raj: I've reconsider your offer to let me work with you.
   Sheldon: For me.
   Raj: Yes, for you. I do, however, have a few conditions. First, at all times, I am to be treated as a colleague and an equal. Second, my contributions shall be noted in all published material. And third, you are never allowed to lecture me on Hinduism or my Indian culture.
   Sheldon: I'm impressed, Raj. Those are very cogent and reasonable conditions.
   Raj: Thank you.
   Sheldon: And I reject them all.
   Raj: Then you leave me no choice. I accept the job.

* Penny: Hey, want to get a little crazy?
   Leonard: What are you thinking?
   Penny: Let's slide over to Sheldon's spot and make out on it.
   Leonard: You are a dirty girl.

* Leonard: That was fun. Thank you.
   Penny: Leonard, honey, you don't have to say "thank you" every time we have sex.
   Leonard: Oh. Okay. Tomorrow you're going to get a card in the mail. Just throw it away.

--- Словарик:
baffle — озадачивать; сбивать с толку
carnal — плотский; чувственный; телесный, физический
endearment — ласка, нежность
veil — вуаль
omit — пропускать, не включать
cogent — убедительный, неоспоримый

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